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New Class Idea- The Vampire

Hi guys I enjoy Borderlands 2 very much but I had a hard time picking a class. So I figured I would show you a class that I would use.

Vincent as the Vampire

Action Skill-Sifen:Allows players to suck life from enemies and give the amount taken to the player.
[If Gearbox makes this an official class, they can proportion life suck % and if it works on bosses]
Duration: 10 seconds - Cooldown: 20 seconds.

Backstory: Vincent was searching for new ways to upgrade his vampire powers. He wandered countless hours on Pandora's vast planet searching for new power. He then heard about the vault and wanted to use the vault to supercharge his vampire powers.

Skill trees-

First two skills : Teamdrain- Instead of only draining for one player it drains for all players. Upgrades per point, 10% Team Sifen, next rank 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%.
Next skill: Gaurdian- Increases team shield capacity. First rank 2.0% shield capacity, 4.0%, 6.0%, 8.0%,10.0%.

Second two skills: Rise Again- Decreases for other player revival time, first rank -0.5 seconds, next rank 1.0 seconds, next rank 1.3 seconds, next rank 1.5 seconds, final rank 2.0 seconds.
Next Skill: Afterlife- After being revived by another player it makes you regenerate 1.0 of your health for 10 seconds, but decreases you accuracy by 2.0% for 10 seconds.

Middle skills: Die Already- Gives other players damage boosts against enemies with 30% lower health. First rank: 10% damage boost, next rank 20% damage boost, next rank 30% damage boost, next rank 40% damage boost, final rank 50% damage boost.
Next Skill: Uplift- Allows players to revive players from a distance using Sifen, but not instant, you still have to wait the regular time.
Next skill: Undead Perks- Reduces corrosive damage to you. First rank 5% less damage, next rank 10%, next rank 15%, next rank 20%, final rank 25%.

Last three skills: Quiken- While Sifening an enemy, team reload speed is increased 1-5 increased by 4% each rank.
Next skill: Sharpen- Team melee damage is increased while an enemy is being sifened. 1-5 increased by 5% each rank.
Final skill in this tree: Deadeyed- Team accuracy is increased while an enemy is being sifened. 1-5 increased by 8% each rank.

First two skills: Drainage- Increases action skill duration. 1-5 increases by 0.5 seconds per rank.
Next skill: Bloodbath- Increases melee damage. 1-5 increases damage by 2.0% per rank.

Middle three skills: Soul Eating- When Sifening an enemy, killing them with melee increases Sifen's time, if target dies before Sifen runs out, Sifen will atach to another enemy and will continue to do so until Sifen's time ends. Ranks 1- "Many Souls Will Burn"
Next skill: Darkness Arives- meleeing an enemy has a chance to slag the enemy. 1-5 increases chance by 10% each rank.
Next skill: Gore- Melee causes much more violent death for enemies, and has critical hit bonus. 1-5 increases critical damage by 50% each rank.

Final three skills in this skill tree: Thirsty- Decreases action skill cooldown. 1-5 decreases 1.0 seconds per rank.
Next skill: Lighnting- Increases movement speed. 1-5 increases movement speed by 5% each rank.
Final skill in this tree: Vampire's Touch- Meleeing an enemy gives you a chance to consume the melee victim, consuming and enemy make your shield start recharging instantly. 1 rank "Death happens to us all for you just faster"

First two skills: Pyromancer- Has a chance to inflame an enemy. 1-5 increases chance by 5% each rank.
That's A Real Shocker- Has a chance to electricute an enemy. 1-5 increases chance by 5% each rank.

Middle Skills: I'm Melting!- Has a chance to corrode an enemy. 1-5 increases chance by 5% each rank.
Next skill: Nothing by Me- If an enemy resists the element you deal to them,it will still do the stated damage. 1 rank "No fire, no problem"
Next skill: I'm Simply Oozing- Has a chance to slag an enemy. 1-5 increases chance by 5% each rank.

Final Skills in Trees: Messy Return- When revived by a player, you emit slag [Like a nova shield] 1-5 increases slag chance by 10% each rank.
Next Skill: Elemental Sifen- When Sifening an enemy you have a 25% chance of dealing a randomly selected element. 1 rank.
Final Skill: Raven- When an enemy dies of elemental damage, your action skill cooldown decreases. 1-5 decreases 1.0 seconds per rank.

Class Mods-
Pheonix- Increases chances with all elements. Increases any chance skill in the ELEMENTAL skill tree.

Bloodsucker- Team health regen. Increases any skill in the FRIENDLY skill tree.

Warrior- Increases melee damage. Increases any skill in the BLOODTHIRSTY skill tree.

Rogue- Increases team movement speed. Increases skills in either FRIENDLY or BLOODTHIRSTY.

Hungry- Decreases action skill cool down. Increases in the BLOODTHIRSTY skill tree.

Physical Appearance: Mildly larger than Maya's physique. Wears a trench coat. Has glowing eyes, color depends on skin. Wears large boots. Has fingerless gloves. Either has hair or hoods for heads, and a rare head that has a gas mask. Melee is a katana, red glow around it. Action skill is a beam of energy connecting from the enemy to the player. He is as tall as Axton. Class mods appear as knee gaurds, that point up like spikes.

I worked very hard on this and I hope Gearbox sees this.

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