So, I had this idea yesterday while being in train, about a new class.
This character is an human-dragon hybrid with the resemblance of the Pokémon Druddigon, and has a few advantages like taking flying, boosting his fire damage and so on.
I will expose here:
Valjavaa as the Armored Dragoon
Action skill: Sky dominance.
Valjavaa flies in the air for 10 seconds. Bullet speed is increased of 100% and bullet damage is as well increased of 20% while flying, but aiming becomes more difficult while flying. In addiction, by zooming on an opponent with L1 and by clicking on melee button, you can grab the enemy, transport him in the air and then throw him away, dealing massive damage. If you throw the enemy on another one, you deal massive damage on that enemy too.
Recharge delay: 38 seconds.
Tree skills: Sheer power, Dragon's breath and Noble Being.
Sheer power is about boosting Valjavaa's fire rate, bullet speed and melee: his gamechanger are Dragon Slash and the final one Death from Above.
Dragon Slash is a melee override skill that boosts Valjavaa's melee by 25%, also adds another 25% if the enemy is shielded and another 25% if the enemy is burned.
Death from Above is just like Many Must Fall: whenever Valjavaa kills an opponent by throwing him in Sky Dominance, Sky Dominance resets, also adds 5% power to the throw of Valjavaa any time Death from Above is activated.
Also, the fourth time an enemy is throwed, Valjavaa will automaticaly throw with all his power an enemy to kill him (tougher enemies may still resists), but Sky Dominance will stop and the next cooldown for Sky Dominance will be doubled.
"You have proven your brave, but you haven't think that the dragon doesn't give a damn about it".
Dragon's breath is like Gaige's LittleBig Troubles, but instead fire based.
Gamechangers are Inferno and the final one FireBall.
Inferno propagates the fire from a burned enemy to another one, also does 5% plus damage any time it propagates, and powers up by 15% fire on shielded enemies when it propagates. Inferno propagates for 3 times.
FireBall is a melee override skill that can be activated while in Sky Dominance: while not zooming and by clicking melee button, Valjavaa breaths out a FireBall against the enemies, burning them every time it strikes. Recharge Delay: 3 seconds.
"Fireballs?! YUUUMMMM!!!" *
Noble being boosts Valjavaa's resistances and life (but a lot of skills decreases shield capacity/recharge delay/recharge speed), and Gamechangers are Ancient Skin, Incompatible Past and the final one GRRROOOOOOOAAAARRRRRR!!!!!.
Ancient Skin boosts Valjavaa's resistances up to 90% any time the shield is down (up to how much life you have, at 15% life you gain full 90%) but slows down shield recharge delay up to 80% (the less life you have, the more recharge delay is slowed down).
In addiction, when under 10% of your life, you gain 10% health regeneration per 2,5 sec.
Incompatible Past permanently slows down recharge delay by 45%, but Valjavaa permanently gain 6% life regeneration and +55% life.
GRRROOOOOOOAAAARRRRRR!!!!! boosts Valjavaa's resistances by 100%, bullet damage by 60% and bullet speed by 100% for 3,5 seconds any time Valjavaa regains health from Fight For Your Life, but shields cannot regenerate while in GRRROOOOOOOAAAARRRRRR!!!!!. Also Valjavaa is susceptible to fire still.
"You WILL NOT get my horns, claws, heart or whatever!!!"
Will add skills in future. Comments and suggestions will be appreciated.
This character is an human-dragon hybrid with the resemblance of the Pokémon Druddigon, and has a few advantages like taking flying, boosting his fire damage and so on.
I will expose here:
Valjavaa as the Armored Dragoon
Action skill: Sky dominance.
Valjavaa flies in the air for 10 seconds. Bullet speed is increased of 100% and bullet damage is as well increased of 20% while flying, but aiming becomes more difficult while flying. In addiction, by zooming on an opponent with L1 and by clicking on melee button, you can grab the enemy, transport him in the air and then throw him away, dealing massive damage. If you throw the enemy on another one, you deal massive damage on that enemy too.
Recharge delay: 38 seconds.
Tree skills: Sheer power, Dragon's breath and Noble Being.
Sheer power is about boosting Valjavaa's fire rate, bullet speed and melee: his gamechanger are Dragon Slash and the final one Death from Above.
Dragon Slash is a melee override skill that boosts Valjavaa's melee by 25%, also adds another 25% if the enemy is shielded and another 25% if the enemy is burned.
Death from Above is just like Many Must Fall: whenever Valjavaa kills an opponent by throwing him in Sky Dominance, Sky Dominance resets, also adds 5% power to the throw of Valjavaa any time Death from Above is activated.
Also, the fourth time an enemy is throwed, Valjavaa will automaticaly throw with all his power an enemy to kill him (tougher enemies may still resists), but Sky Dominance will stop and the next cooldown for Sky Dominance will be doubled.
"You have proven your brave, but you haven't think that the dragon doesn't give a damn about it".
Dragon's breath is like Gaige's LittleBig Troubles, but instead fire based.
Gamechangers are Inferno and the final one FireBall.
Inferno propagates the fire from a burned enemy to another one, also does 5% plus damage any time it propagates, and powers up by 15% fire on shielded enemies when it propagates. Inferno propagates for 3 times.
FireBall is a melee override skill that can be activated while in Sky Dominance: while not zooming and by clicking melee button, Valjavaa breaths out a FireBall against the enemies, burning them every time it strikes. Recharge Delay: 3 seconds.
"Fireballs?! YUUUMMMM!!!" *
Noble being boosts Valjavaa's resistances and life (but a lot of skills decreases shield capacity/recharge delay/recharge speed), and Gamechangers are Ancient Skin, Incompatible Past and the final one GRRROOOOOOOAAAARRRRRR!!!!!.
Ancient Skin boosts Valjavaa's resistances up to 90% any time the shield is down (up to how much life you have, at 15% life you gain full 90%) but slows down shield recharge delay up to 80% (the less life you have, the more recharge delay is slowed down).
In addiction, when under 10% of your life, you gain 10% health regeneration per 2,5 sec.
Incompatible Past permanently slows down recharge delay by 45%, but Valjavaa permanently gain 6% life regeneration and +55% life.
GRRROOOOOOOAAAARRRRRR!!!!! boosts Valjavaa's resistances by 100%, bullet damage by 60% and bullet speed by 100% for 3,5 seconds any time Valjavaa regains health from Fight For Your Life, but shields cannot regenerate while in GRRROOOOOOOAAAARRRRRR!!!!!. Also Valjavaa is susceptible to fire still.
"You WILL NOT get my horns, claws, heart or whatever!!!"
Will add skills in future. Comments and suggestions will be appreciated.