*Warning!* The Following Content is for a Program that is WORK IN PROGRESS! all content is subject to change at any time! I am also NOT obligated to finish this work and am not affiliated with gearbox studios in any way shape or form!
Table of Contents
- Marcus's Weapon Catalog (1)
- Sir Hammerlock's Almanac (2)
- ClapTrap's Bad Luck Builder (3)
- Moxxi's Challenge Board (4)
- Scooters Roadside Services (5)
- Tina's Fashion Show (6)
- Dr. Ned's Badass Hunt (7)
- Tanis's Crazy Workshop (8)
-Progress and Goals
-Contact and Info
-Legal Stuff
Progress and Goals
Current total progress: 1%
Current Goal: Finish Planning of (1) and (2) along with start core coding of (1).
Future Goals: TBD
Contact and Info
My name's Brian. I'm 20 years old and currently attending college for a associates degree in Computer science. I have around 2 years of experience programming in java and visual basic. I'm currently taking a course in advanced java and am learning about Guis and networking. I have an interest in Unity 3d and Love playing games like terraria, minecraft, borderlands 2, skyrim and i just got a hold of fallout new Vegas Ultimate edition.
If you have any questions about the program or my current progress feel free to pm me on the forums here. If you would like to offer your services or hang out and chat. Feel free to add me on Skype. Username: Hamsterking5 include "Borderlands" in the greeting message to let me know you're interested.
My Crappy Blog
Pandoran Survival Guide Weapon Archive
Legal Stuff
Borderlands 2 is property of gearbox and its affiliates. I am in no way Affiliated with them. This program is being created under the Creative Commons License.
Now that that's out of the way onto the Main event!
Welcome to the Pandoran Survival Guide for Borderlands 2!
The Pandoran Survival Guide is a Collection of Apps for the intrepid vault hunter to use. Ranging from a simple map to a wondrous Archive of weapons and items found by players and the best places to find them! The Pandoran Survival Guide is both a challenge and an achievement I hope to finish and share with everyone!
Welcome to the Pandoran Survival Guide for Borderlands 2!
The Pandoran Survival Guide is a Collection of Apps for the intrepid vault hunter to use. Ranging from a simple map to a wondrous Archive of weapons and items found by players and the best places to find them! The Pandoran Survival Guide is both a challenge and an achievement I hope to finish and share with everyone!
Table of Contents
- Marcus's Weapon Catalog (1)
- Sir Hammerlock's Almanac (2)
- ClapTrap's Bad Luck Builder (3)
- Moxxi's Challenge Board (4)
- Scooters Roadside Services (5)
- Tina's Fashion Show (6)
- Dr. Ned's Badass Hunt (7)
- Tanis's Crazy Workshop (8)
-Progress and Goals
-Contact and Info
-Legal Stuff
A Note Before we begin.
For Each Program I'll be listing the difficulty, Complications, and General Description and Design of each along with Progress. All of which is subject to change. Every once in a while I may release my Current build of the program which will include both source code and working code. Anyone is free to give suggestions and use the code as they wish so long as they share it with everyone here.
Marcus's Weapons Catalog
Difficulty: Hard
A Server-Based list of weapons and items based on location, enemy, type, rarity, element, stats, ect. Users are able to add guns found to the server and pull up a list of said weapons which include drop rates, locations and so forth. Users may also create item cards based on either found or pre-generated items. Weapons, Grenades, Shields, Class Mods, Artifacts and Non-DLC vendors are included.
This is the Biggest Program in the bunch. It requires both knowledge of the borderlands 2 weapon generator, server and database knowledge along with being able to deal with millions of user entries.
Progress: 5% (Planning In Progress)
Sir Hammerlock's Almanac
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Contains detailed information on the creatures of Pandora, including weaknesses, experience rates, rank (E.X. Normal, Badass, Boss, ETC.), Elemental Chance, Locations, Levels, Titles, Drop tables may be implemented later on based on Items Database from (1). A small variant of the challenge generator may be included.
Minimal at best. Besides Data collection and a couple of Gui aspects. The only real problem will probably be formatting the Gui and creating files to accurately store the data.
Progress: 2% (Planning In Progress)
ClapTrap's Bad Luck Builder
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Interface with detailed info on character skills and effects along with a potential stat builder later on. Build Challenges may also be implemented along with weapon stat integration from (1). Skill Card generator also to be included.
This one will prove to be more frustrating rather than challenging. For each skill requires both a variable and a method to track both along with keeping track of total skill points and alterations. Gui Implementation should be quick on this one.
Progress: 0%
Moxxi's Challenge Board
Difficulty: Easy
Creates Challenges either randomly or based on user Choices. Challenges range in both difficulty and scale. Base Level challenges are built on character, level, playthrough, weapon, Boss(es), Handicaps or Modifiers and a Timer. Player Scaling may be implemented later on along with integration with (1) and (3).
Relatively none. The only problems should be With the Gui and any formatting errors.
Progress: 0%
Scooters Roadside Services
Difficulty: Easy
Comprehensive map of pandora with the locations of Chests, Bosses, Quest Locations, ETC. all of which are toggle-able Also Includes a Vehicle Skin Bank and Vehicle Card Generator. integration with (1) Planned.
Just Gui Formatting and Cursor functions should be the only problems.
Progress: 0%
Tina's Fashion Show
*I'm Still on the fence of whether or not to include this one*
Difficulty: Easy
Full appendix of all clothing and heads available along with their locations and a per-character check list. Character Cards Planned. Integration with (2) Possible.
Formatting the Gui and creating the Character Cards are the only problems I see.
Progress: 0%
Dr. Ned's Badass Hunt
Difficulty: Easy
Detailed Information on badass ranks and possibly a challenge generator. Integration with (2),(4),(5) Possible but not Planned.
few to none.
Progress: 0%
Tanis's Crazy Workshop
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Allows users to mix and match items, weapons, skills, and so on from all characters to create ridiculous combinations. Character Cards Planned. Integration with (1),(3),(6),(7) planned.
Just how silly this is. Will require a lot of variable and method tracking.
Progress: 0%
For Each Program I'll be listing the difficulty, Complications, and General Description and Design of each along with Progress. All of which is subject to change. Every once in a while I may release my Current build of the program which will include both source code and working code. Anyone is free to give suggestions and use the code as they wish so long as they share it with everyone here.
Marcus's Weapons Catalog
Difficulty: Hard
A Server-Based list of weapons and items based on location, enemy, type, rarity, element, stats, ect. Users are able to add guns found to the server and pull up a list of said weapons which include drop rates, locations and so forth. Users may also create item cards based on either found or pre-generated items. Weapons, Grenades, Shields, Class Mods, Artifacts and Non-DLC vendors are included.
This is the Biggest Program in the bunch. It requires both knowledge of the borderlands 2 weapon generator, server and database knowledge along with being able to deal with millions of user entries.
Progress: 5% (Planning In Progress)
Sir Hammerlock's Almanac
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Contains detailed information on the creatures of Pandora, including weaknesses, experience rates, rank (E.X. Normal, Badass, Boss, ETC.), Elemental Chance, Locations, Levels, Titles, Drop tables may be implemented later on based on Items Database from (1). A small variant of the challenge generator may be included.
Minimal at best. Besides Data collection and a couple of Gui aspects. The only real problem will probably be formatting the Gui and creating files to accurately store the data.
Progress: 2% (Planning In Progress)
ClapTrap's Bad Luck Builder
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Interface with detailed info on character skills and effects along with a potential stat builder later on. Build Challenges may also be implemented along with weapon stat integration from (1). Skill Card generator also to be included.
This one will prove to be more frustrating rather than challenging. For each skill requires both a variable and a method to track both along with keeping track of total skill points and alterations. Gui Implementation should be quick on this one.
Progress: 0%
Moxxi's Challenge Board
Difficulty: Easy
Creates Challenges either randomly or based on user Choices. Challenges range in both difficulty and scale. Base Level challenges are built on character, level, playthrough, weapon, Boss(es), Handicaps or Modifiers and a Timer. Player Scaling may be implemented later on along with integration with (1) and (3).
Relatively none. The only problems should be With the Gui and any formatting errors.
Progress: 0%
Scooters Roadside Services
Difficulty: Easy
Comprehensive map of pandora with the locations of Chests, Bosses, Quest Locations, ETC. all of which are toggle-able Also Includes a Vehicle Skin Bank and Vehicle Card Generator. integration with (1) Planned.
Just Gui Formatting and Cursor functions should be the only problems.
Progress: 0%
Tina's Fashion Show
*I'm Still on the fence of whether or not to include this one*
Difficulty: Easy
Full appendix of all clothing and heads available along with their locations and a per-character check list. Character Cards Planned. Integration with (2) Possible.
Formatting the Gui and creating the Character Cards are the only problems I see.
Progress: 0%
Dr. Ned's Badass Hunt
Difficulty: Easy
Detailed Information on badass ranks and possibly a challenge generator. Integration with (2),(4),(5) Possible but not Planned.
few to none.
Progress: 0%
Tanis's Crazy Workshop
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Allows users to mix and match items, weapons, skills, and so on from all characters to create ridiculous combinations. Character Cards Planned. Integration with (1),(3),(6),(7) planned.
Just how silly this is. Will require a lot of variable and method tracking.
Progress: 0%
Progress and Goals
Current total progress: 1%
Current Goal: Finish Planning of (1) and (2) along with start core coding of (1).
Future Goals: TBD
Contact and Info
My name's Brian. I'm 20 years old and currently attending college for a associates degree in Computer science. I have around 2 years of experience programming in java and visual basic. I'm currently taking a course in advanced java and am learning about Guis and networking. I have an interest in Unity 3d and Love playing games like terraria, minecraft, borderlands 2, skyrim and i just got a hold of fallout new Vegas Ultimate edition.
If you have any questions about the program or my current progress feel free to pm me on the forums here. If you would like to offer your services or hang out and chat. Feel free to add me on Skype. Username: Hamsterking5 include "Borderlands" in the greeting message to let me know you're interested.
My Crappy Blog
Pandoran Survival Guide Weapon Archive
Legal Stuff
Borderlands 2 is property of gearbox and its affiliates. I am in no way Affiliated with them. This program is being created under the Creative Commons License.