I think it would be sweet to take on jack. Let's say he is still alive and he finished opportunity.
Game would start out in the finished opportunity taking on waves of hyperions and robots..... Work ur way threw the campaign and at the end get to fight jack again and this time make him a raid boss. Another raid boss idea should be (constructer) but called a fabricator. Able to summon robots, surveyors, AND constructors! I think that would be a great fight. Get to fight multiple guys oppose to just 1.
Game would start out in the finished opportunity taking on waves of hyperions and robots..... Work ur way threw the campaign and at the end get to fight jack again and this time make him a raid boss. Another raid boss idea should be (constructer) but called a fabricator. Able to summon robots, surveyors, AND constructors! I think that would be a great fight. Get to fight multiple guys oppose to just 1.