(currently work in progress)A whole new cast/set of characters for Borderlands 3. These new vault hunters tie into my main BL3 idea of "Your not on Pandora anymore" concept which I will flush out in another thread later. But similar to Bl2 fashion this new crew are still vault hunters, still have their own motives for vhunting, and all are the new incarnation/evolution of the previous classes( a tank, a 'wild card', an assassin, a siren, and a 'engineer'). Will be flushing out the ideas and classes as the thread develops.
Kato as The Mercenary
Role:Turret support/generalist
Preferred Weapons:Assault Rifles,shotguns,and sniper rifles
Action Skill: Morpheus Turret -A highly diverse and customizable combat turret manufactured by Vladof corporation. At its base level, it is a stationary turret that fires rounds at any enemy targets, tracking them with a 360 degree radius. The turret can be customized and changed through the players skills. Duration 60 secs. Cooldown: 120 secs.
Motive:(adding more later)A merc for hire, Kato had been all around the galaxy taking up any pay willing jobs 'that needed doing'. Money, bullets, and machines. That's all Kato knew, after spending most of his youth at a marine academy as a combat engineer, Kato dropped out to forge his own path. Gained his experimental Morpheous turret from the Vladof corp. after a job helping some rebels. Seeks vaults to find the payday that'll set him for life.
Skill Trees(adding more later):
Grunt: - Shotguns, close combat, and some elemental damage. Can make your turret fire specialized elemental rounds,self distruct, and even sprout 4 robotic spider legs and follow you around! Turret develops green/brown camo.
Tactician - Sniper rifles, long range, and support. Can make your turret produce shileds, healing aura, repair itself, buff your damage, go 'ghost, and even longbow+maglock. Turret develops blue/grey camo
Warlord - Assault riffles, general combat, and explosives. Can make your turret into a death machine, focusing on buffing its damage, duration, adding a bunch of guns(elemental and non), making it shoot rockets,increasing fire rate, and even be mounted like a normal turret. Turret develops autumn/red/orange camo.
Athena as The Siren
Role:Elementalist/combat support
Preferred Weapons:Any Elemental weapons, fond of smgs
Action Skill: (adding more later) Phasestorm - Unleashes a temperol aura of elemental energy around Athena.
Motive:(adding more later)
Skill Trees(adding more later):
Loki as The Phantom
Role:'Behind the scenes' support, high value target eliminated, enemy manager
Preferred Weapons: Sniper riffles, smgs, pistols, and his swords
Action Skill: Ghost Walk - Teleports Loki forward, allowing him to pass through enemies at high speed,aftewards he is free to stalk the battlefield unseen and intangible. While 'ghost' you can not be seen or hurt. When you first warp, Loki slashes in a 'X' cross with his swords before going ghost. This attack has increased melee damage. Any enemy you pass through while warping or ghost walking is 'possessed'. This enemy will behave differently depending on skills purchased, with base level simply stunning that enemy. Certain enemies will not be possessed instead be stunned and take large amount of damage. Attacking while ghost ends action skill. Skill duration: 8 secs. Cooldown: 15 secs. Melee attack: +150%
Motive: (adding more later)
Skill trees(adding more later):
Other classes coming soon,will finish up most tomorrow.
Kato as The Mercenary
Role:Turret support/generalist
Preferred Weapons:Assault Rifles,shotguns,and sniper rifles
Action Skill: Morpheus Turret -A highly diverse and customizable combat turret manufactured by Vladof corporation. At its base level, it is a stationary turret that fires rounds at any enemy targets, tracking them with a 360 degree radius. The turret can be customized and changed through the players skills. Duration 60 secs. Cooldown: 120 secs.
Motive:(adding more later)A merc for hire, Kato had been all around the galaxy taking up any pay willing jobs 'that needed doing'. Money, bullets, and machines. That's all Kato knew, after spending most of his youth at a marine academy as a combat engineer, Kato dropped out to forge his own path. Gained his experimental Morpheous turret from the Vladof corp. after a job helping some rebels. Seeks vaults to find the payday that'll set him for life.
Skill Trees(adding more later):
Grunt: - Shotguns, close combat, and some elemental damage. Can make your turret fire specialized elemental rounds,self distruct, and even sprout 4 robotic spider legs and follow you around! Turret develops green/brown camo.
Tactician - Sniper rifles, long range, and support. Can make your turret produce shileds, healing aura, repair itself, buff your damage, go 'ghost, and even longbow+maglock. Turret develops blue/grey camo
Warlord - Assault riffles, general combat, and explosives. Can make your turret into a death machine, focusing on buffing its damage, duration, adding a bunch of guns(elemental and non), making it shoot rockets,increasing fire rate, and even be mounted like a normal turret. Turret develops autumn/red/orange camo.
Athena as The Siren
Role:Elementalist/combat support
Preferred Weapons:Any Elemental weapons, fond of smgs
Action Skill: (adding more later) Phasestorm - Unleashes a temperol aura of elemental energy around Athena.
Motive:(adding more later)
Skill Trees(adding more later):
Loki as The Phantom
Role:'Behind the scenes' support, high value target eliminated, enemy manager
Preferred Weapons: Sniper riffles, smgs, pistols, and his swords
Action Skill: Ghost Walk - Teleports Loki forward, allowing him to pass through enemies at high speed,aftewards he is free to stalk the battlefield unseen and intangible. While 'ghost' you can not be seen or hurt. When you first warp, Loki slashes in a 'X' cross with his swords before going ghost. This attack has increased melee damage. Any enemy you pass through while warping or ghost walking is 'possessed'. This enemy will behave differently depending on skills purchased, with base level simply stunning that enemy. Certain enemies will not be possessed instead be stunned and take large amount of damage. Attacking while ghost ends action skill. Skill duration: 8 secs. Cooldown: 15 secs. Melee attack: +150%
Motive: (adding more later)
Skill trees(adding more later):
Other classes coming soon,will finish up most tomorrow.