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Intelligence report: Gaige

This was my contribution to this thread: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/sh...d.php?t=270739
it was fun to write, even if it took awhile. may consider doing others if people like it.


(Here on in referred to as H.I.C.U.P.]

Understanding Vault Hunters: A New Analyst’s Guide.
(Part 9 of 10 File #: [VH-DT4P])
Author: Chavez, Domingo

Vault Hunters. They have been referred to everything from Heroes, to Bandits, simple Mercenaries and Treasure Hunters to Freedom Fighters. Opinions on them vary widely, some claiming they are nothing more than footnotes on a backwater world, while others insist they are an emerging power base, getting ready to launch invasions of other worlds now that they have conquered Pandora.
The truth is somewhere in between, as it often is with intel so grounded in rumor, as much of herein is.
  • Section 1: Biography
  • Section 2: Known Associates
  • Section 3: Known Abilities
  • Section 4: Potential as an Operative
  • Section 5: Potential as an Asset
  • Section 6: Conclusion
  • Section 9: There is no Section 9. And it certainly does not contain cybernetic assassin cops. Nope.

Section 1: Biography
  • Subject Name: Gaige (Last Name Unknown)
  • Gender: Female.
  • Height: 5’3”
  • Weight: Unknown. (Estimated 125 pounds.)
  • Hair Color: Red
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Prosthetics(If applicable): Robotic left arm arm, self made
  • Last Known Attire: Heavily customized High School Uniform, known to digistruct different color schemes and hats onto person.
  • Picture (If Available):
  • Place of Birth: Eden-5
  • Place of Residence: Pandora, Sanctuary, Crimson Lance Headquarters.
  • Last Confirmed Location: Pandora, Sanctuary, “Mad” Moxxi’s Bar
  • Wanted Status, Yes/No: Yes, Eden-5 Police: Murder, Theft and Possession of unauthorized technology, excessive adorability. ( Dept Chief’s Note: Chavez, stop screwing around. There’s no way that’s on the bounty.) (Chavez: It’s on there, Sir. See notes on Mr. Holloway. File [CB-6512]) Hyperion: Vault Hunter’s Bounty. (Possibly expired?)
  • Asset/Threat Status: Asset (Not Recruited, High Potential)

Analysis: Was unable to ascertain subject’s last name. Subject displayed surprisingly good PERSEC by refusing to tell me, even when inebriated. Checking records on Eden-5 Came up dry, all mentions of her last name have been erased, even from official police documents. Unknown how much of this is a cover-up by Mr. Holloway, in a childish attempt to erase the name of his daughter’s killer. The other possible theory is that some of the records were erased, such as the hospital records, by subject’s father. (Name also unknown. That subject may have training as an operative based on his skill sets, but this is unconfirmed speculation.)
Recent History: Subject’s last known location on Eden-5 was her high school gymnasium, which was holding a global science fair at the time. Subject’s placement of third for her project of “Deathtrap” (“Anti-Bullying” Robot) had just been announced, when subject Marcy Holloway [Deceased] came over to gloat over her victory. This offended subject Gaige greatly, alleging that her father had bought off the judges of the science fair, and that Marcy had stolen her designs. (Later hacking and SIGINT confirmed this was the case.) Subject Marcy at some point shoved Subject Gaige, causing “Deathtrap” to register her as a threat in its Friend or Foe matrix. Deathtrap responded according to its programming, attacking with its digistructed claws. Subject Marcy, according to the police report and several eye witnesses, at this point, quote, “Exploded.” (In her ECHOcast, Gaige claims that the entire incident was an accident, and that the claws were only meant to stun, not maim.)

Subject made her escape after her father caused a distraction by causing a burning golf cart to crash though the wall of the gymnasium. Details from this point on are sketchy, but it is known that subject’s father was able to smuggle his daughter off-world, how he accomplished this remains unknown. (More circumstantial evidence for him being an operative?) Subject Disappeared for several weeks, until showing up on Pandora. In short order she had Joined the Crimson Raiders (see file: [RG-9410]) and become a Vault Hunter (It seems the only requirements for becoming a Vault Hunter are declaring your intent, staying alive, and being proven a quote, “Badass.” More recently, joining the raiders seems to help.) Subject then proved instrumental in Handsome Jack’s (Former MFIC of Hyperion, File [CE-2547]) downfall and assassination as part of the “New” Vault Hunters.
Personality: A genius geek into Punk and Metal, Gaige is very loyal to her friends, dislikes authority figures, and is still a bit childish. (Noted a mix of preferences of things that were cute and punk.) Of the vault hunters, she and Maya have the least violent backgrounds.

Section 2: Known Associates
  • Father: Name unknown
  • Mother: Name unknown
  • Friends: (prior to Pandora) Known to not have many, the ones she did have refused to come forward due to Mr. Holloway’s (via the police under his control) gag order on the case of his daughter’s murder.
  • Friends: (On Pandora) Axton, Tiny Tina, Maya, Lilith, (both Sirens. See file [SD-6925]) (Analyst Clark, John: This file seems to be missing. Location?) (Chavez: Location is ___________ REDACTED) Moxxi, Scooter,”Deathtrap”
  • Associates: (The Following are also Vault Hunters) Lilith, Roland [K.I.A.] Mordecai, Brick, Zer0, Maya, Salvador, Axton. (See other parts of this series. Also, seriously, does anyone on Pandora have a last name? no-one would mention theirs when asked.)
  • Relationships: None confirmed, however, when asked about closer relationship with Vault Hunter Axton, loudly protested that, “He is NOT my boyfriend!” This may bear further investigation.
  • Allegiances: Parents, Vault Hunters, Crimson Raiders. (Has expressed distaste for “The Establishment.”)
  • Combat Partners: Deathtrap (Custom, one off robot built by subject) New Vault Hunters (Axton, Sal, Zer0, Maya) Mordecai, Brick (Occasional.)

Section 3: Known Combat Abilities

The following was taken from a combination of HUMINT interviews, with both the subject and her associates, and undercover field observations. Note that some interviews with subject were conducted when subject was extremely intoxicated, and intel should therefore be taken with a grain of salt. (Pandora does not seem to follow any galaxy’s drinking laws.) I’m certain I have not seen all of her abilities, but will try to uncover more at a later date.

From conversation with the subject, I have learned that she divides her ability circuits into 3 categories. I will sort the abilities by these categories, guessing where they go on the ones I observed. She also expressed a desire to create a new version of Deathtrap that integrated parts from Axton’s Dahl Sabre Turret. Her expression at the time can only be described as “Technology Lust.”
“Action Skill” (Vault Hunter term) Deathtrap. (AKA, DT)
Subject Summons her homebuilt attack robot. Robot’s Digistruct data is stored in her robotic left arm. Robot can be customized by activating certain ability circuts.

Best Friends Forever:
  • Close Enough: Field Observation. When subject fires her weapon, any rounds that miss have a 50% chance to ricochet and hit their target and hit anyway. Upon first seeing this ability, I assumed it was a result of the high fire rate Assault Rifle she was using at the time. However, she switched to a Jakobs pistol and repeated the feat. Unknown how this works. When asked, subject just shrugged and said “I guess I’m just lucky!”
  • The Better Half: The second half of a magazine gains a large rate of fire boost. She achieves this by sacrificing the guns long term durability. Stated that this was not a problem as Vault Hunters tend to change gins often, and take good care of the guns they do keep.
  • Upshot Robot: Increases the time Deathtrap can be active. It appears to work by siphoning energy from its target when it dies.
  • Explosive Clap: Deathtrap produces a supersonic boom by clapping. That, and the C-4 explosive that’s digistructed in when this ability is used.
  • Sharing is Caring: Grants a copy of shield subject is currently using. When asked why she did not include this as a default feature, subject explained it drained too much power. Plans to improve reactor for next version were mentioned.
  • Ooh, you’re making me live: Mentioned as an ability, function unknown. Subject was intoxicated and hugging Axton at the time.

Little Big Trouble
  • Shock Storm: Field Observation. Deathtrap creates an electrical anomaly when he kills an opponent. This is likely due to claws being overcharged with power. Have observed same anomaly when subject scores a headshot, but not sure what causes this.
  • The Stare: DT gains a laser attack.
  • Electrical Burn: Shock DOT’s cause burn damage. Subject explained this was caused by inverting the plasma on the improbability drive. Whatever that means.
  • Hey Na Na I’m a troublemaker: Mentioned as an ability. Effects unknown. (subject was intoxicated and trying to remove Zer0’s helmet at the time.)
  • Shock and AAARGH: Causes a shock nova when subject reloads. Caused by subject overloading her robotic arm with electricity when she loads new magazine.
  • Make It Sparkle: When shot with elemental rounds, Deathtrap becomes charged with that element. Unknown how this works. Subject refused to reveal its workings, even under intoxication, offers of candy, teddy bears, and free robot parts. Subject may be a young girl, but has moments of good PERSEC.

Ordered Chaos
  • Anarchy: Subject gains a “stack” of anarchy for each reload that empties the magazine, and on a kill. “Stacks” of anarchy increase damage output, but reduce accuracy. Subject’s explanation for how this works was several hours long, included mountains of technobabble, and was generally incomprehensible. All I caught was “adrenaline” and “Nanites.” Attached Echo recording of explanation, perhaps the lab boys can figure it out.
  • Robot Rampage: Deathtrap spins in place, attacking multiple times. Seems more like programming than an ability, but whatever.
  • Blood Soaked Shields: Field Observation. Subject’s shields fully recharge when she gets a kill, at the cost of minor injury to herself. Ability seems to work by stealing subject’s energy, along with that of her victim. Further details of technology unknown.
  • Discord: Heals the subject, increases her fire rate, and accuracy, at the cost of anarchy stacks. No idea how this works.
  • With Claws: Subject Digistructs claws on her robotic arm. Unknown why she does this, normal melee attack is a construction hammer.
  • I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA!: Unknown, subject said this while in state of heightened anarchy, and a bandit completely disintegrated.

Section 4: Potential as an Operative.

Subject has been known to accept missions from varied sources, even twice accepting missions from the person she was fighting against! (The Vault Hunters did not elaborate, and it might have blown my cover to press the issue.)
Subject’s Combat ability is listed as High Grade: Unpredictable. Despite little formal training, she is a powerhouse on the battlefield, especially when on an Anarchy high and utilizing close enough.
I posted a test job to wipe out a bandit clan on the local bounty board. Subject returned 5 minutes sooner than expected, looking bored and eager for payment. Rewarded subject with a Legendary Tier weapon. ( Cost a good amount of the Expense Budget, but I think retaining the subject’s services is important.) Subject was ecstatic and eager for more jobs. (I believe I heard her flirting with the gun as she walked away? I’m not sure though.) Subsequently rated Value as an Operative as High Grade: Excellent. Suggest running her as an unknowing operative using the bounty board method. This is not 100% reliable however, as Vault Hunters are under no obligation to accept, and any of them may take the job. Therefore, offering missions directly is impossible without breaking cover.

Section 5: Potential as an Asset.

Subject’s HUMINT value is rated Low: Unimportant or Uncooperative. While she was willing to talk about herself, especially while liquored up, she still would not reveal most of the technical specifications of her technology. Conversation about her fellow Vault Hunters was limited to mostly open source material, or friendly banter. Subject is unlikely to reveal anything damaging or secret intentionally. Subject’s other knowledge is mostly open source.
SIGINT from the subject consists of an ECHOcast that listens like a diary, but does not contain much information that cannot be obtained from other sources, especially now that Hyperion has been defeated on Pandora.
Exploitation/Threat Analysis: Capture/Kill Rating: Difficult, High Causality. Capturing the subject is inadvisable, as even if we were to succeed, she can still summon her robot from her arm. Disarming her is possible,(Chief: I see what you did there…) but would require a first strike knockout. This would be difficult as the subject wears a personal shield at all times. Even if capture was successful, I have no doubts the Vault Hunters would tear the Six Galaxies apart looking for her. This would not be in our best interests. Killing the subject, should it become necessary, is also difficult. It could not be done on Pandora, as subject is in the New-U system there. Removing her from the system is similarly impossible at the moment, due to the current disarray at Hyperion. Direct confrontation is suicidal, to say the least. Suggest nuking from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.
Threat rating is Neutral, Highly Dangerous. Subject is unaware of our existence and has no reason to hate us, but I fear the unholy wrath she and her fellow Vault Hunters could rain on us if H.I.C.U.P. ever crossed them. It would be inadvisable to do so in a traceable manner.

Section 9: There is no Section 9.

Nope, none at all! Oh look, Cake!

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