Another Siren class idea in the making. Please let me know what you think of her so far, feel free to give suggestions and criticism. Note that this idea isnt finished so Ill be organizing and editing in more stuff later.
Introducing Lexis as the drifter (not as the bug)
Action Skill: Phasedrift
When activating your action skill, teleport to your crosshair location. When attempting to leave orbit Phasedrift wont activate. Cooldown 12 sec.
Melee weapon: instead of a standard melee, she throws knives, change it up a little
Skill tree: Performance
Twitch gamer:
Bend the Rules:
After teleporting, all enemy, including their bullets and explosives, move at 25% max speed, duration 5 sec, range 20m.
Skill tree: Animation
Movement and shield focused tree
Kill skill, damaging an enemy causes money and ammo to spill everyware.
_ / 5: 4% chance to drop money and ammo.
Free running:
Faster aim recovery after sprinting, sprinting increases movement speed.
_ / 5: aim sets 20% faster and 15% movement speed increase while sprinting per level
Shields recharge after taking damage
_ / 5: 0.5% shield recharge per sec per level for 3 sec.
Double Jump:
Able to teleport again while Phasedrift is in cooldown.
_ / 1:
Just a flat out movement speed increase.
_ / 5: 6% movement speed increase per level.
You can know stick to walls and ceilings when using Phasedrift as well as the ability to run on the surface that you just stuck to, like running on walls and ceilings. Duration 3 sec or until you jump. You can also use double jump while using Shift but cant run off the surface you shifted on to. Probably a programmers worst nightmare.
_ / 1:
Aerial combat:
In mid air you deal additional damage, shifting on walls and ceilings also stacks with aerial combat.
_ / 5: 15% additional damage per level
Knives are thrown faster and farther
_ / 5: thrown knifes increase by 5m and move 30% faster per level
Fast acting:
Reload speed and weapon swap speed increase.
Moving in a direction twice in quick succession will perform a flip in that direction, if crouched will perform a roll. You can also perform flips in mid air.
Chance that all the damage dealt to the player is converted into shield capacity.
_ / 5: 3% chance per level to convert damage into shield.
Increases shield capacity
_ / 7: 7% increase per level
Skill tree: Equivocal
Elemental focused tree
Adds elemental DoT chance.
_ / 5: additive increase of 3% to all elements per level
Chance for shock damage to jump between enemies, enemies hit by tempest can jump to another target, no DoT.
_ / 5: 8% chance for arcing electrical damage.
Using an elemental weapon on enemies that would normally resist does double damage.
_ / 1:
Sun kissed:
Dealing fire damage heals the player.
_ / 5: 3% of fire damage
Holding Phasedrift down will create an explosion when releasing it after teleporting knocking enemies back enemies and dealing explosive damage. The longer the action skill button is healed, the bigger the explosion.
_ / 5:
Kill skill, fire trails behind the player while running or driving, creates a fire wall that deals fire damage, lasts for the length of the kill skill.
_ / 5:
Cooldown for Phasedrift
_ / 5: 6% per level
Corrosive damage slows down the enemy and increases DoT time, slowness is applied as long as the enemy is taking any form of corrosive damage, and can completely immobilize enemies if the slowness is boosted above a 100% movement speed reduction.
_ / 5: 12% movement speed decrease and
Entering FFYL pulls all enemies to the player.
_ / 1:
When your shield is depleted, you will gain health regen, shock damage aura, and lightning phoenix wings. Shock aura radius of 20m, stays active in FFYL. Works with tempest.
_ / 5: Health regen .8% per level and added shock damage.
Her throwing knife attacks slag targets and deal corrosive damage with DoT, works with tarantula.
_ / 1:
Introducing Lexis as the drifter (not as the bug)
Action Skill: Phasedrift
When activating your action skill, teleport to your crosshair location. When attempting to leave orbit Phasedrift wont activate. Cooldown 12 sec.
Melee weapon: instead of a standard melee, she throws knives, change it up a little
Skill tree: Performance
Twitch gamer:
Bend the Rules:
After teleporting, all enemy, including their bullets and explosives, move at 25% max speed, duration 5 sec, range 20m.
Skill tree: Animation
Movement and shield focused tree
Kill skill, damaging an enemy causes money and ammo to spill everyware.
_ / 5: 4% chance to drop money and ammo.
Free running:
Faster aim recovery after sprinting, sprinting increases movement speed.
_ / 5: aim sets 20% faster and 15% movement speed increase while sprinting per level
Shields recharge after taking damage
_ / 5: 0.5% shield recharge per sec per level for 3 sec.
Double Jump:
Able to teleport again while Phasedrift is in cooldown.
_ / 1:
Just a flat out movement speed increase.
_ / 5: 6% movement speed increase per level.
You can know stick to walls and ceilings when using Phasedrift as well as the ability to run on the surface that you just stuck to, like running on walls and ceilings. Duration 3 sec or until you jump. You can also use double jump while using Shift but cant run off the surface you shifted on to. Probably a programmers worst nightmare.
_ / 1:
Aerial combat:
In mid air you deal additional damage, shifting on walls and ceilings also stacks with aerial combat.
_ / 5: 15% additional damage per level
Knives are thrown faster and farther
_ / 5: thrown knifes increase by 5m and move 30% faster per level
Fast acting:
Reload speed and weapon swap speed increase.
Moving in a direction twice in quick succession will perform a flip in that direction, if crouched will perform a roll. You can also perform flips in mid air.
Chance that all the damage dealt to the player is converted into shield capacity.
_ / 5: 3% chance per level to convert damage into shield.
Increases shield capacity
_ / 7: 7% increase per level
Skill tree: Equivocal
Elemental focused tree
Adds elemental DoT chance.
_ / 5: additive increase of 3% to all elements per level
Chance for shock damage to jump between enemies, enemies hit by tempest can jump to another target, no DoT.
_ / 5: 8% chance for arcing electrical damage.
Using an elemental weapon on enemies that would normally resist does double damage.
_ / 1:
Sun kissed:
Dealing fire damage heals the player.
_ / 5: 3% of fire damage
Holding Phasedrift down will create an explosion when releasing it after teleporting knocking enemies back enemies and dealing explosive damage. The longer the action skill button is healed, the bigger the explosion.
_ / 5:
Kill skill, fire trails behind the player while running or driving, creates a fire wall that deals fire damage, lasts for the length of the kill skill.
_ / 5:
Cooldown for Phasedrift
_ / 5: 6% per level
Corrosive damage slows down the enemy and increases DoT time, slowness is applied as long as the enemy is taking any form of corrosive damage, and can completely immobilize enemies if the slowness is boosted above a 100% movement speed reduction.
_ / 5: 12% movement speed decrease and
Entering FFYL pulls all enemies to the player.
_ / 1:
When your shield is depleted, you will gain health regen, shock damage aura, and lightning phoenix wings. Shock aura radius of 20m, stays active in FFYL. Works with tempest.
_ / 5: Health regen .8% per level and added shock damage.
Her throwing knife attacks slag targets and deal corrosive damage with DoT, works with tarantula.
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