Just some crazy character idea I've been having for a while. One of my favorite characters is Judge Dredd, and then thought, how awesome would it be if BL had a character much like Dredd, and thus came the idea of ______ The Justice.
As far as personality goes, he would be humorously, ridiculously pissed off; a zealot of peace and order, so naturally on Pandora he would be constantly broiling in disgust, and occasionally, when things really heat up, flipping **** on all the heathen bandits :dukerage:. Anybody whose seen Joe Pesci or Lewis Black knows angry can be pretty funny, and the idea of a person who represents the pinnacle of order and righteousness on a place like Pandora is too ironic not to fit in well with the Borderlands Universe.
As far as design, a solidly built 6' something guy in Kevlar armor, nothing too ridiculous. Very tactical and SWAT like, similar to how Dredd would look; the helmet, boots, gloves, knee and elbow pads, shoulder pads, bulletproof vest, etc. Symmetrical and neat and orderly, unlike most everyone else on Pandora.
For the Action Skill, he digistructs two armored skag hounds on a leash. He can then, within a timer, command each hound to do certain things, such as "sic'em" where the skag would tackle and pin the target, doing moderate damage over time. "fetch" where the skag would grab a targets leg and drag them towards you. "melt'em" where the skag spits corrosive blobs or corrosive breath if close enough to the target doing good damage especially if susceptible to corrosive. Since Gaige has got a preference towards shock and Krieg seemingly fire, figured he could have a unique ability to corrode.
For talent trees;
--Manic Medic: A primarily support tree with healing and support abilities. The first game changer would be "Stic'em" where it modifies your melee when targeting an ally so that you jab them with a needle, healing them, or reviving them from FFYL (with substantial cooldown obvs). Another game changer would be "Pep Talk", allowing you to revive fallen teammates from a greater distance by yelling at them to get of their B*tch Asses. Possible third game changer would be letting him stick himself with a needle if looking downwards and using melee. Would need a much longer cooldown then Stic'em. Overall I feel this would not only give a second option to being a healer, but also is different enough from Maya's restoration to be new and interesting.
--No Riotting!: A tanking tree with some emphasis on pistols and shotguns. The first game changer would be a pistol modifier that allows you to pull out a shield when using a pistol, that is raised fully using the aim button. As a result, the ability to aim is lost, losing some accuracy when the shield is raised, as well as a decrease to movement speed. Another game changer could be a melee modifier so that when aiming with a gun (pistol doesn't count with shield game changer), meleeing results in a powerful front kick, knocking back the target. Possible third game changer would be some kind of modifier to FFYL, such as moving and aiming as if normal with increased damage. Can call it "I'm not arresting you anymore" (Robocop Quote).
--Gotta Sic'em All!: A tree that revolves around the action skill, as well as some emphasis on sniping and rifles. An easy game changer is adding a third Skag to command. Another being to increase the duration of the skags by X seconds with each kill they make.
Standard melee would be a tonfa night stick. The first swing would be a spinning front swing, doing three small hits, and the second melee would be a powerful back swing.
As far as personality goes, he would be humorously, ridiculously pissed off; a zealot of peace and order, so naturally on Pandora he would be constantly broiling in disgust, and occasionally, when things really heat up, flipping **** on all the heathen bandits :dukerage:. Anybody whose seen Joe Pesci or Lewis Black knows angry can be pretty funny, and the idea of a person who represents the pinnacle of order and righteousness on a place like Pandora is too ironic not to fit in well with the Borderlands Universe.
As far as design, a solidly built 6' something guy in Kevlar armor, nothing too ridiculous. Very tactical and SWAT like, similar to how Dredd would look; the helmet, boots, gloves, knee and elbow pads, shoulder pads, bulletproof vest, etc. Symmetrical and neat and orderly, unlike most everyone else on Pandora.
For the Action Skill, he digistructs two armored skag hounds on a leash. He can then, within a timer, command each hound to do certain things, such as "sic'em" where the skag would tackle and pin the target, doing moderate damage over time. "fetch" where the skag would grab a targets leg and drag them towards you. "melt'em" where the skag spits corrosive blobs or corrosive breath if close enough to the target doing good damage especially if susceptible to corrosive. Since Gaige has got a preference towards shock and Krieg seemingly fire, figured he could have a unique ability to corrode.
For talent trees;
--Manic Medic: A primarily support tree with healing and support abilities. The first game changer would be "Stic'em" where it modifies your melee when targeting an ally so that you jab them with a needle, healing them, or reviving them from FFYL (with substantial cooldown obvs). Another game changer would be "Pep Talk", allowing you to revive fallen teammates from a greater distance by yelling at them to get of their B*tch Asses. Possible third game changer would be letting him stick himself with a needle if looking downwards and using melee. Would need a much longer cooldown then Stic'em. Overall I feel this would not only give a second option to being a healer, but also is different enough from Maya's restoration to be new and interesting.
--No Riotting!: A tanking tree with some emphasis on pistols and shotguns. The first game changer would be a pistol modifier that allows you to pull out a shield when using a pistol, that is raised fully using the aim button. As a result, the ability to aim is lost, losing some accuracy when the shield is raised, as well as a decrease to movement speed. Another game changer could be a melee modifier so that when aiming with a gun (pistol doesn't count with shield game changer), meleeing results in a powerful front kick, knocking back the target. Possible third game changer would be some kind of modifier to FFYL, such as moving and aiming as if normal with increased damage. Can call it "I'm not arresting you anymore" (Robocop Quote).
--Gotta Sic'em All!: A tree that revolves around the action skill, as well as some emphasis on sniping and rifles. An easy game changer is adding a third Skag to command. Another being to increase the duration of the skags by X seconds with each kill they make.
Standard melee would be a tonfa night stick. The first swing would be a spinning front swing, doing three small hits, and the second melee would be a powerful back swing.