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Big Stupid RZ's Big Stupid Character Ideas

Works in progress, not finished, I am not a game balancer, more characters incoming, et cetera. You've been warned.


Sergeant Boulder, the Leader:

He's the best of the best, and Dahl offers only the best. He is what every drill sergeant from Earth to Sirius prayed to God to be when they grow up – a 100% American, Communist-hating, cigar-chomping, peace-hating, rock-solid, downright-motivated, flag-wavin', alway-ready, ever-faithful, ever accurate, ever reliable soldier, there to protect liberty and freedom, amongst the stars, against corporate dictators and communist fascist socialist Nazis, leading raw recruits into the mouth of Hell itself. He will make you do twenty. He will ensure his maggots turn into killing machines like him. And he will rip his own head off and stuff his genitals down an eyesocket if he ever betrayed the Corps.

There's just one problem: A) America's been dissolved for millenia, B) he's not American, on account of being a Dahl experiment on a thousand(?)-year-old egg salvaged from an pre-Eridian derelict, let alone even human, which would pose problems, such as “does he even have eye sockets?”, and C) he's a she. Remember to check your mutant insect genitals, kids! Those maggots of his are actually fairly literal, as well. He's an entire army by himself, on account of being a “Queen” of his species that can fertilize and spit out nasty buggers just like him, trained and ready to shoot commies. They may not have the natural plating, fortitude, smarts, or love of the Corps as he does, but with an army, not even Stalin himself can stop the might of God-fearing America. Just please don't call him “Queen”, or he'll skull**** you with his razor-sharp tentacle. He prefers the correct military rank, not some mincing imperial ****up title.

Skill: Spawn: Through the disgusting wonders of alien biology, Boulder, uh, “drops” five soldiers, fully trained and ready to eat faces.

Skill Trees: Mobile Infantry: Focuses on increasing the numbers of the soldiers you can raise, the group abilities of the soldiers, and the tactical options (read: fancy AOE skills)

Special Forces: Focuses on improving the soldiers' health, mobility, individual abilities, and weapon damage.

Queen of Infantry: Grants Boulder more and more of his alien abilities, like spewing acid, razor-sharp tentacles, hardened carapace, eating fallen enemies to regain health, and general things banned by the US military. If they were still around.

Shijiko, the Pilot:

Back when Handsome Jack was a strapping young lad, stretching his arms to climb up the corporate ladder (and yank people above him off and to their deaths), he was undergoing one of the many embarrassing phases that pre-teens and teenagers go through. In his case, he became obsessed with ancient Japanese culture, that wondrous treasure of endless schoolgirls flashing their undergarments with each gust of wind, those boys who looked like women, the tentacles...

So when he was told to hold a joint meeting with Anshin Corporation – a guise for “steal all their medical data”, of course – a long mishap regarding stored Japanese DNA meant to breed super-samurai for Anshin to sell as mercenaries and bodyguards, gallons of blood, missing limbs, and explosions resulted in a Japanese teenage clone of Jack. Who happens to look, sound, or act absolutely nothing like Jack. Actually, we're not sure if he even is related to Jack, though Jack insists he's a 100% Jack. Maybe it's a little bit of his DNA.

Jack being Jack, he put his new son to the test, by strapping him into the newest vehicle to come off the Hyperion line: the Mechanical Eridian Combat Heavy Assault. Unfortunately, due to having the closest parent figures he'd known (the entire team of Anshin scientists who took care of him) gassed to a horrifying death by a Hyperion bioweapon while Jack practiced his evil laugh, zapped fifty times with thousands of volts by Hyperion robots as he tried to escape, told bad jokes by his “father”, and being literally thrown into the cockpit of a death machine that was semi-automated and forced him to smash and rip apart enemies.

While Angel may take up more of Jack's time, he still tries to cheer up Shijiko, with such go-getters like “Be glad I haven't executed you for study, son!”, or “Cheer up, kiddo, your friend might have been your best friend, but now that he got savaged by a train, he's now dead and the worst friend you can have!”, or his personal favorite, “Son, it was a tough choice, but as your father, I had to tear that kitten's head from its little fuzzy-wuz body. Get over it, please.” Much to his discontent, it's not working. Actually, it's driven him to a murderous desire to kill Jack.

Skill: Alpha Strike: With a murderous blast, draws from Shijiko's ammunition stock to rain explosives and ammunition upon the immediate area around Shijiko, at the cost of a random amount of Shijiko's ammo stock.

Skill Trees:

Mechwarrior: Increases weapon damage and unlocks various offensive features of the mecha, such as autotargeting backup lasers, swarm missiles, flamethrowers, rocket punching, rocket boosting, EVERYTHING YOU WANTED IN A MECHA ROBOT.

Synchronization: Hey, what do you know? The MECHA doesn't solely revolve around murdering people! Hats off to Hyperion. Then again, all it really does is allow teammates to murder more effectively, so maybe it really is murdering people.

Armored Center: The opposite of Mechwarrior: unlocks defensive and passive features of the mecha, such as decreasing cooldown time, shield boosters, armor plating, elemental defense. In short, all the armor Shijiko needs – but not the one that plates around his heart. Or something.

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