your cliche western type.
actionskill:trusty iron [when you click the icon for selecting it another menu shows up choice of rifle [explaine dlater] shotgun, revolver [if they seperate it from the pistols again or so on]
rifle or long rifle more like is like the sniper rifle but no scopes and faster firerate.
skill trees are gunsmith, trailblazer, handloader
gunsmith suave: gives bonus to all weapons due to personalizations of the gun and thus boosts up to 20% or 25% to all paramaters.
improve scope: each rank gives up the scopes [base ironsight to the dot sight thing then to the cross hair one to basic scope and final be a full zoom scope.
improve clip: govers ammo capasity and sway due to custom grip
improve barrel: increases the bullet speed
improve body: gives manufacturer effects and color scheme
improve stock: reduces recoil
improve accesory: boosts effects of accessorys melee weapon so on
[the improve stuff i was debateing and thought it works for all guns but then thought why not let it modify the action skill. after your choice of gun it places a generic of that type the parts the imrpove body would let you do that pop up menu again but manufacturers and adjust it to the theme they have.]
field repair:
part insurance: [not sure on this one as some these were built for the d20 game im building. ]
weight reduction: reduces sway of all weapons
Field packing: increases inventory slots
pack rat:
custom chest:increases storage safe size
Chest modding:
lighten chest:
trusty mount:able to digistruct a rideing mount
firing mount: bonuses to fighting on mount
wild west heist: able to highjack vehicles[or timed butten allwos one to dodge them trying to run you over.
firing from vehicle: boosts damage from all catch a ride transportation weapons [or reduce the spread]
on the trail:
flechette shot: for the shotgun chance of peirceing light cover like when they hide behind those barriers.
dragons breath: this one may be for shotgun or give flame thrower effect to shotgun or rocketlauncher
concussion shot: rocketlauncher chance to stun enemys with shockwave[ ifnot killed in blast]
double powder:
blank shot: causes enemys to flee or charge one that fires.
junk round: this one is extensive as it builds a pool of ammo that goes to all guns but it has damage penalty as it regens when out of combate [basicly last resort in those big gun battles this would probly be teir1 or 2] original idea was infinite ammo but with -75% damage then each rank lessons penalty but think the pool of ammo can work.
incendiary round: for the sniper chance of igniteing enemy regardless of element on weapon.
hollow round:does bonus damage to un armored targets
Tracer round: rounds have chance of createing effect to leade most stray shots towards target [sort of like gaiges close enough] [yes i know tracer rounds are like lines of fire but yea already have the incendery round
flash round: blinds enemys basicly chance of makeing one disengage thus able to get enemys off tail and resneak up on them.
some the skills are still working on converting them over as most the rules of them were set up for the d20 where weight is the carry factor not inventory slots. XD
the action skill after selecting the gun type will place up a card highlighting your trusty iron weapon [so yea it can bring in limite customization of just that fire arm] once you choose the type then that gun is your chosen for rest of that charactors save.]
the mount [insert buttstallion jokes] when haveing it made when moveing its more mobile then the car and when fireing you do ahve infinate ammo technicly useing trusty iron gun but with out any bonuses from the action skill. but its more precise no spread so you can move and pin point. it is possibly one person transport and unlike the limit on spawning types of cars this one can be summoned up regardless if the type already summoned runner or bandit technicals. [still dont understand that limit]. the race orginaly for it is my charactor d20 wise a Sergal but it can be human or monster like race.
the class mod is the band or badge or decor on the hat.
Yet for story well hes wanderer as well sense gunsmithing and modding of weapons and him being caravaner and selling of weapons other then marcus well we heard the line shop anywhere else we have you killed so the echo recorders be him fighting off hired thugs he finds out pandora goes to settle score but sense of honor [sense he has the sheriff theme] he sides aginst the tyranny of jack. probly few custom lines when he comes up to marcus first meeting him like "your a live?!" or somthing. angel would show up in one recorder going definitly not human and hearing of marcus trying to off him. that lets jack send the message that marcus is at santuary and thinking he would kill marcus thus limiting what resistance can get in weapons and stuff. the race for him doesnt have tob e SErgal but be bad ass if somthing like it was created. Trancy mick from the furry community allows people to use the race for charactors but sales or gaining money from it not sure.
as seen on th ed20 page i have original aspect of him.
actionskill:trusty iron [when you click the icon for selecting it another menu shows up choice of rifle [explaine dlater] shotgun, revolver [if they seperate it from the pistols again or so on]
rifle or long rifle more like is like the sniper rifle but no scopes and faster firerate.
skill trees are gunsmith, trailblazer, handloader
gunsmith suave: gives bonus to all weapons due to personalizations of the gun and thus boosts up to 20% or 25% to all paramaters.
improve scope: each rank gives up the scopes [base ironsight to the dot sight thing then to the cross hair one to basic scope and final be a full zoom scope.
improve clip: govers ammo capasity and sway due to custom grip
improve barrel: increases the bullet speed
improve body: gives manufacturer effects and color scheme
improve stock: reduces recoil
improve accesory: boosts effects of accessorys melee weapon so on
[the improve stuff i was debateing and thought it works for all guns but then thought why not let it modify the action skill. after your choice of gun it places a generic of that type the parts the imrpove body would let you do that pop up menu again but manufacturers and adjust it to the theme they have.]
field repair:
part insurance: [not sure on this one as some these were built for the d20 game im building. ]
weight reduction: reduces sway of all weapons
Field packing: increases inventory slots
pack rat:
custom chest:increases storage safe size
Chest modding:
lighten chest:
trusty mount:able to digistruct a rideing mount
firing mount: bonuses to fighting on mount
wild west heist: able to highjack vehicles[or timed butten allwos one to dodge them trying to run you over.
firing from vehicle: boosts damage from all catch a ride transportation weapons [or reduce the spread]
on the trail:
flechette shot: for the shotgun chance of peirceing light cover like when they hide behind those barriers.
dragons breath: this one may be for shotgun or give flame thrower effect to shotgun or rocketlauncher
concussion shot: rocketlauncher chance to stun enemys with shockwave[ ifnot killed in blast]
double powder:
blank shot: causes enemys to flee or charge one that fires.
junk round: this one is extensive as it builds a pool of ammo that goes to all guns but it has damage penalty as it regens when out of combate [basicly last resort in those big gun battles this would probly be teir1 or 2] original idea was infinite ammo but with -75% damage then each rank lessons penalty but think the pool of ammo can work.
incendiary round: for the sniper chance of igniteing enemy regardless of element on weapon.
hollow round:does bonus damage to un armored targets
Tracer round: rounds have chance of createing effect to leade most stray shots towards target [sort of like gaiges close enough] [yes i know tracer rounds are like lines of fire but yea already have the incendery round
flash round: blinds enemys basicly chance of makeing one disengage thus able to get enemys off tail and resneak up on them.
some the skills are still working on converting them over as most the rules of them were set up for the d20 where weight is the carry factor not inventory slots. XD
the action skill after selecting the gun type will place up a card highlighting your trusty iron weapon [so yea it can bring in limite customization of just that fire arm] once you choose the type then that gun is your chosen for rest of that charactors save.]
the mount [insert buttstallion jokes] when haveing it made when moveing its more mobile then the car and when fireing you do ahve infinate ammo technicly useing trusty iron gun but with out any bonuses from the action skill. but its more precise no spread so you can move and pin point. it is possibly one person transport and unlike the limit on spawning types of cars this one can be summoned up regardless if the type already summoned runner or bandit technicals. [still dont understand that limit]. the race orginaly for it is my charactor d20 wise a Sergal but it can be human or monster like race.
the class mod is the band or badge or decor on the hat.
Yet for story well hes wanderer as well sense gunsmithing and modding of weapons and him being caravaner and selling of weapons other then marcus well we heard the line shop anywhere else we have you killed so the echo recorders be him fighting off hired thugs he finds out pandora goes to settle score but sense of honor [sense he has the sheriff theme] he sides aginst the tyranny of jack. probly few custom lines when he comes up to marcus first meeting him like "your a live?!" or somthing. angel would show up in one recorder going definitly not human and hearing of marcus trying to off him. that lets jack send the message that marcus is at santuary and thinking he would kill marcus thus limiting what resistance can get in weapons and stuff. the race for him doesnt have tob e SErgal but be bad ass if somthing like it was created. Trancy mick from the furry community allows people to use the race for charactors but sales or gaining money from it not sure.
as seen on th ed20 page i have original aspect of him.