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Dale the Exterminator -Character Class-

Work in progress. Started in BBQ's flamethrower thread here: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/sh...231957&page=12
Go give your support!

So, I need some ideas. Feel free to help please!

Dale the Exterminator:

Press the AS button to activate Exterminator Mode. LT changes the element type, RT: E-thrower, press the AS button again to deactivate and shorten cool-down if cancelled early. Can not use guns while in Exterminator Mode, grenades OK, melee OK, uses a "fuel tank" that drains from use with no timer.

Four barreled E-thrower: each barrel rotates into place when the LT is pressed. Cycles: Fire (Flame Thrower), Acid (Spewer), Shock (Tesla coil), Slag (Hose)

Melee: Boot kick (Left foot)

Each E-thrower when active has bonus effects/flavor:
Fire: Teamfort Pyro "quotes"...

Shock: Shield recharge rate is increased...

Acid: "You're melting!" (upon kill)...

Slag: E-thrower does no damage, drains the fuel tank twice as fast...

Backstory: Dale was fed up with the same old dribble of puny pests and scrawny bugs on Htrae. He wanted to to put his extermination skills to the max, to the extreme! Dale heard tales of nuisances so great, so fearsome; that they are a threat to men's very lives! Pandora would put his prowess to work. And who knows, maybe he could exterminate whatever is in a vault while he's there?

Character traits:
  • Terminator quotes.
  • Trogdor shouts.
  • Have him voiced by the guy that does Strongbad's voice.

Trench Warfare: Increases the amount of fuel.

Dragon's Breath: Increases the E-thrower's reach.

Scorched Earth: Decreases cool-down.

The Napalm Effect: All elemental damage lingers more.

Ring of Fire: Fire Nova on kill.

Chemical Spewer???

Bio hazard???

Toxic Rain???

Greasy Lightning: Increased movement speed while shock E-thrower is active.

Hazmat suit: Increased resistances.

Knee Deep in It: Boot kick does DOT acid damage while acid E-thrower is active and knocks back enemies (melee override).

GC-becoming slagged while the slag E-thrower is active makes you invincible (Hyper mode).

GC-Not using the thrower for a short time creates a charged shot (orb) that has more range, but has slow projectile speed.

Drudgery Trudgery???


Tesla's Little Secret: Tesla coils that harm enemies and heal teammates shields.

More ideas:


Originally Posted by Fleaky (Post 3802352)
Toxic Rain:
Can throw multiple grenades like the "Homing Pandemic" ... Even with the chance of any elemental effect .... This could be overpowered i think, but also be fun =)


Originally Posted by {FM}BBQ (Post 3803465)
Skill addition:
1/1 adds Liquid Explosions to the Sprayer's selectable elements. Explodes on contact with enemies, damaging them and tossing them a short distance from the stream.


Oh and im totally on board with this Exterminator idea. You had the same basic idea i had for the action skill :D

Skill addition:
Out of the Frying Pan...
1/1 when you recover from FFYL you gain Stackable 'Degree' Bonuses to Damage Reduction as well as bonuses to Fire and Burn damage. You can have
up to 451 Degree Stacks

Each stack:
+.15% damage resistance
+.5% fire and burn damage

Lose all stacks if revived by a friend or upon death.


Originally Posted by That_Guy42 (Post 3804069)
Liquid Explosions? Nitro?

Sounds awesome, but how will it work?

Like this perhaps? Wait for the robot with "explosive cables".


Originally Posted by {FM}BBQ (Post 3804689)
Iwas thinking more along the lines of a highly volitaile chem spray that explodes on contact. If an enemy touches the spray BOOM! Does it make sense? It doesn't have to... It's TORGE APPROVED!!!

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