Yes Yes, I'm at it again... ANOTHER directory list. I'm masochistic and I've found if I'm not having to manage a million things at once and metaphorically drown under walls of text I'm not happy.
so, here you go, a directory of all things fan. Enjoy.
so, here you go, a directory of all things fan. Enjoy.
~Fan Art~
Mirrorada's Bl2 art thread
Info: Collection of fan art and a few character creation design pieces.
Mentalmars' Wallpapers
Info: HUGE ever growing collection of wallpapers.
Lethal omen's Borderlands 2 Typography
Info: really great image of the Borderlands logo made up of words that are commonly found in the BL world.
Bentu's signature sized wallpapers
Info: Collection of wall papers scaled down to fit the forums signature size restrictions.
Lono's Kill Jack movie poster
Info: Nice 'Kill Bill' mock up using zero.
Swatkiller34's Bl2 Wallpapers
Info: three rather impressive wallpapers.
Gottagofast's Borderlands Bikini Bundle
Info: Great line art of all the women of borderlands!
FreckledBasilisk's Borderlands Fan Art
Info: Wonderful collection of Bl2 fat art (mostly Mordie but who doesn't love Mord?)
Yuri U Barbosa's Gaige wallpaper.
Info: Great bright wall paper!
AlexKidd's Manufacturers wallpapers
Info: Even Atlas!
Crimson Juggler's Borderlands posters
Info:Great vector style borderlands posters.
Dragon Shiryu's CL4p-TP's Girlfriend
Info: 3d render of a female claptrap. Help name her!
Crimson Juggler's Gun manufacturer's Vvctor logo resource.
Info: All the manufacturer's on one handy vector image!
Montayva's Fan art
Info:Really great collection of borderlands insipred art!
Encogen's Gaige the Bullet Buccaneer and other artsy curiosities.
Info: Awesome fan art
JonnyCakes 'Bandits Die Young' Acapella Guns music video
Info: Parody of a Ke$sah song using gun sounds.
UFets Paper Planes
Info: Borderlands Music video. Pretty. Damn. Awesome.
Real Media(physical real world creations):
Jorrne26's Custom Bl2 figures
Info: A showcase of some very awesome Bl2 main characters figures made by his wife
Rigor Mortis' Borderlands inspired personal shooting range
Info: Showcases his personal outdoor shooting range that has a very borderlands feel too it.
Luminol's Jailbroken iOS Gaige theme.
Info: a WIP but impressive none the less.
Info: Discuss and show off your cosplay!
Kitty Jo's Borderlands tattoo
Info: Awesome Ink.
StellaChuu's Captain Scarlett Cosplay
Info: WIP but still an impressive bit done so far.
Jezdamayel's Handsome Jack wrist tatoo
Info: yet another awesome ink job!
hattermaster's Handsom Jack mask prop.
Info: Hatter had a custom mask commisoned and documented the process here!
~Forum Signatures/Avatars~
Dwlr's Sig Shop
Info: Want a custom forum sig or maybe an avatar check out this shop
sov Wrath's Sig Shop
Info: Want a custom forum sig or maybe an avatar check out this shop
Kaptain Kanno's Sig, Banner and Avatar shop.
Info: Want a custom sig banner or avatar? ask here!
~Character Concepts~
Patriot's Anarchist's BL2 Mordecai Class Project
Info: A collective effort towards making every ones favorite sniper a playable character again.
Deathtomothrakk's The Defender
Info: Male Character
Zylo the Wolfbane's The Wareskag
Info: Male or Female character
Eternal K's Holy Man
Info: Male character
Castem's The Chevalier
Info:Male character
Hazardcat's Jezebel
Info: started out as a character concept but became so much more. now a full fledged character with an on going story.
puritan543's Dexter as the Ranger
Info: Male character
Gh0st00117's The RaidDome
Info: A new underdome type idea.
V4n1ty's 'Skirmisher'
Info: Male character
kzour's 'Cirque, the Jester'
Info: Male character
puritan643's 'Brad as the Paladin'
Info: Male character
Jeraz's Saboteur
Info: Male character
Caduto's Sully, Skag Tamer
Info: Male character
Iggy's Aerie, The Eridian Gunsmith
Info: Female character
Doctor Vault Hunter .PHD's Bionic, A.C.E
Info: Mechanical character
~Game Mods/Utilities~
Text mods:
LukaszR's Custom Maya skins
Info: fairly large text mod collection for Maya
Better Dahl predator for Gaige
Info: originally a request thread now showcases and offers for download the modified Dahl costumes for Gaige.
Psychos1s' Skimpy Punk Gaive tex mod.
Info: Adds tattos, shorter shirt and ripped tights to gaige
Bligglenuber's Gaige Texmods (Chaos Reigns fix)
Info: Better magic circles for Chaos Reigns
Bligglenuber's Gaige Texmods
Info: Various edits of diferent heads and skins for gaige.
Bligglenuber's Maya texmods (glow fix and eye fix)
Info: Fixes the glow on mayas eyes, clothes and tattoos for certain skins.
DoubbleTrouble's Skimpy Maya
Info: the original text mod!
Bligglenuber's Skimpy Zero
Info: Wan't Zero to show alittle skin? Look no further.
Bligglenuber's Skimpy gaige
Info:Want gaige to show alittle skin? Look no further!
Lucasassislar's PC offline Co-op Tool
Info: Great utility to allow for split screen PC play.
Scottes DPS visualizer
Info: Great utility to help you calculate which weapon does more damage
Duncanfogg's Gear Calulator V2
Info: Let you predict gear and see the results as an "in game" style gear card.
Jaredhite1's BL2 Difficulty Slider.
Info:Allows you to play in 2-4 player scaled games as a single player.
(GIT)r-man's Bl2 Saves Manager
Info: Great utility for backing up and restoring your borderlands PC save data
Bahroo's Solo 4-player difficulty Bl2 playthoughs
Info:Video collection broken up into episodes of Bahroo with his Axton soloing his way through the game.
x 1Trunks1 x's Low level legendary videos
Info: Small collection of videos showcasing some of the games low level legendary gear and weapons.
Pariah Caste Organic/Blind BL2 4 Player co-op videos
Info: video collections of a 4 person team playing the whole game through. broken up into episodes.