Since I joined a little while back, I've been browsing the forums here pretty regularly, and I've seen so many fascinating ideas. So many in fact I figured it'd be worth making a rather large post about it, and injecting my view of them here and there. So I'll break it down into sections so you can skip to stuff you want read:
Increasing the Level Cap:
This one should kinda go without saying, and from what recent news has told us, it will be addressed soon.
New Raid Bosses:
Now this is kinda a tricky subject, because people want different out of raid bosses, most want loot, and others a challenge. So here is what I propose: A raid boss that will be difficult, but not impossible. And that requires use of tactics that make sense and aren't super cheesy (Heres looking at you Voracidous). And that when killed drops unique and useful items, with low but not non-existent drop rates. That sound about right?
New Character Classes:
I can't tell you how many new class ideas I have seen, but from what I can gather from the gist of them, granted not all of them (like the wereskag and a few others that are pretty unique), they break down into these three:
Medic/Support Character:
A character that has a heavy emphasis on healing and supporting other vault hunters, or just being really sustainable. Some characters have trees dedicated to supporting others, but people, including me, just want more!
Bandit Character:
Everyone wants to be a bandit! Why? I don't know... But why not? Everyone else wants to be one, and I'd love to play as one myself, I've even made a character concept of one, that I may or may not go back and refine (The Doctor Bandit, so it was a fusion both of these first two actually).
Demolitionist Character:
When all else fails, BLOW IT THE F%@# UP! Honestly I'd love to see a class like that, maybe with an action skill that summons a giant bomb?
I'll have to break this one into a few sections, but I'll start with the most relevant:
More Legendaries:
Who doesn't want to collect all the guns that do all the crazy stuff? So it stands to figure to make more of them. Right?
More Customization:
More heads and styles to collect? Yes please! But while we're at it, maybe some new clothes that can be changed around as well? Axton in a Tux? Gaige in Overalls? Zero running around in nothing but his heart pattern boxers? The possibilities are endless. Post some idea if you'd like!
New Elements:
So far the majority of people want an ice element, or again what I've observed anyway. I think its a COOL idea, but it would require some mechanics and play with the other elements in order to make sense. So Here is what I think think Ice Element should do: By itself, it would build a stacking dot and slow enemies up to a cap (Maybe call it chilled?), upon reaching the cap the enemy should either freeze solid and become stunned, or for bigger enemies or bosses become brittle. Heres where the other elements come into play, while frozen or brittle enemies shot with an explosive weapon will shatter for massive damage and/or die outright, but shattering will also reset the DoT and the slow. Being shot with the fire element will thaw them out and due reduced damage until they are fully unchilled. Also hitting them with fire will rapidly reduce their chill stacks if not frozen completely. Moving on to slag, slagged enemies should freeze faster and shatter for more damage. I imagine corrosive and shock wouldn't have much bearing on a frozen target, correct me if I'm wrong though. Other than Ice though, the other elements suggested (Haven't seen anything beyond ice and Hybridized), don't make sense.
Manufacturer Changes:
Returning or New Manufacturers:
S&S and Atlas seem to be missed horribly, but I can't imagine where or even how they'd able to fit in. Every stat on the gun has been covered by the different companies: Damage from Torgue and Jakobs, Accuracy from Hyperion, Fire Rate from Vladof, Reload Speed from Tediore, Magazine Size from Bandit, Elemental from Maliwan, and Explosions from Torgue. Granted Dahl is an exception, with their alt fire mode they stand apart from the others. If they bring back an old company or make a new one, it'd be nice to see something we haven't seen before!
Current Manufacturers:
This may be just me here, but there maybe others that like this, so follow me for a sec. I feel all manufacturers should make all guns, as well as a shield and grenade line specific to them. Kinda like this:
Guns: Add Sniper Rifles (For sniping while running around like a lunatic?)
Shields: Roid Shields
Grenade: Sticky Grenades (Dunno if they have a default type of grenade)
Guns: Add Shotguns and Rocket Launchers (Burst fire FTW!)
Shields: Bosster Shields
Grenade: Bouncing Betty Grenades
Guns: Add Assault Rifles and Rocket Launchers (Accuracy is always good)
Shields: Amp Shields
Grenade: Singularity Grenades
Guns: Add SMGs and Launchers (Cannon that shoots 1 giant bullet maybe?)
Shields: Rough Rider Shields (+Health and Flat damage Resist for 0 capacity)
Grenade: Shrapnel Grenades (Not high tech, but effective)
Guns: Add Shotguns and Assault Rifles
Shields: Spike/Nova Shields
Grenade: AoE Element Grenades (Switching some around here)
Guns: Add Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles
Shield: Disposable Shields (Like the Cradle, but less sucky)
Grenade: Standard Grenade (Again dunno if they have a default type)
Guns: Add SMGs and Sniper Rifles (BOOM! Headshot...)
Shields: Explosive/Manly Shields (Nova/Spike with +health and explosive res)
Grenades: MIRV Grenades
Guns: Add SMGs and Shotguns
Shield: Absorb Shields
Grenade: Bullet Storm Grenades (The ones that bounce around and shoot)
Guns: Add all guns (Shots heal allies, hits enemies for 1/2 damage, stacks with skills)
Shields: Adaptive Shields
Grenade: Transfusion (No clue how Maliwan got these)
Guns: Add all guns (Shots restore allies shields, hits enemies for 1/2 damage)
Shield: Turtle Shields
Grenade: Cover Grenades (Upon Detonation it leaves behind a shield like Axton's Phalanx Shield for a few seconds)
New Weapon Types:
So far I think the only idea here has been Flamethrowers and the like. But do Correct me if I am wrong. (Don't count melee weapons though)
Aka the flame thrower. I imagine these puppies would all have to be element and, thus exclusively E-Tech due to that property. They would shoot out in a certain arc and cone-shaped spread based on accuracy (less accuracy equals more spread, but less distance covered), applying damage per second to a target the stream is in contact with. The steam consumes ammo as long as it is active. Even with that in mind, they could still work for all Manufacturers like so:
Larger tank size (More ammo)
Burst Fire (Shoot a few clouds of the liquid?)
Increasing Accuracy (Spray starts wide and focuses over time)
High Damage (Maybe a legendary high powered squirt gun? Cold water for the frost element?)
More Elemental DoT damage
Exploding Chuckable Fuel Tanks!
Explosive (Shoots a stream of nitro that explodes after contact with the air?)
Shoots faster
Healing Beam (Think like TF2 Style?)
Shield Restoring Beam
In Closing
well if ya made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope I captured most of the ideas floating around here on the forums, but even if I didn't post and tell me so! Its been great fun hanging around here on the forums, hope to have many great conversations on this and other topics!
Increasing the Level Cap:
This one should kinda go without saying, and from what recent news has told us, it will be addressed soon.
New Raid Bosses:
Now this is kinda a tricky subject, because people want different out of raid bosses, most want loot, and others a challenge. So here is what I propose: A raid boss that will be difficult, but not impossible. And that requires use of tactics that make sense and aren't super cheesy (Heres looking at you Voracidous). And that when killed drops unique and useful items, with low but not non-existent drop rates. That sound about right?
New Character Classes:
I can't tell you how many new class ideas I have seen, but from what I can gather from the gist of them, granted not all of them (like the wereskag and a few others that are pretty unique), they break down into these three:
Medic/Support Character:
A character that has a heavy emphasis on healing and supporting other vault hunters, or just being really sustainable. Some characters have trees dedicated to supporting others, but people, including me, just want more!
Bandit Character:
Everyone wants to be a bandit! Why? I don't know... But why not? Everyone else wants to be one, and I'd love to play as one myself, I've even made a character concept of one, that I may or may not go back and refine (The Doctor Bandit, so it was a fusion both of these first two actually).
Demolitionist Character:
When all else fails, BLOW IT THE F%@# UP! Honestly I'd love to see a class like that, maybe with an action skill that summons a giant bomb?
I'll have to break this one into a few sections, but I'll start with the most relevant:
More Legendaries:
Who doesn't want to collect all the guns that do all the crazy stuff? So it stands to figure to make more of them. Right?
More Customization:
More heads and styles to collect? Yes please! But while we're at it, maybe some new clothes that can be changed around as well? Axton in a Tux? Gaige in Overalls? Zero running around in nothing but his heart pattern boxers? The possibilities are endless. Post some idea if you'd like!
New Elements:
So far the majority of people want an ice element, or again what I've observed anyway. I think its a COOL idea, but it would require some mechanics and play with the other elements in order to make sense. So Here is what I think think Ice Element should do: By itself, it would build a stacking dot and slow enemies up to a cap (Maybe call it chilled?), upon reaching the cap the enemy should either freeze solid and become stunned, or for bigger enemies or bosses become brittle. Heres where the other elements come into play, while frozen or brittle enemies shot with an explosive weapon will shatter for massive damage and/or die outright, but shattering will also reset the DoT and the slow. Being shot with the fire element will thaw them out and due reduced damage until they are fully unchilled. Also hitting them with fire will rapidly reduce their chill stacks if not frozen completely. Moving on to slag, slagged enemies should freeze faster and shatter for more damage. I imagine corrosive and shock wouldn't have much bearing on a frozen target, correct me if I'm wrong though. Other than Ice though, the other elements suggested (Haven't seen anything beyond ice and Hybridized), don't make sense.
Manufacturer Changes:
Returning or New Manufacturers:
S&S and Atlas seem to be missed horribly, but I can't imagine where or even how they'd able to fit in. Every stat on the gun has been covered by the different companies: Damage from Torgue and Jakobs, Accuracy from Hyperion, Fire Rate from Vladof, Reload Speed from Tediore, Magazine Size from Bandit, Elemental from Maliwan, and Explosions from Torgue. Granted Dahl is an exception, with their alt fire mode they stand apart from the others. If they bring back an old company or make a new one, it'd be nice to see something we haven't seen before!
Current Manufacturers:
This may be just me here, but there maybe others that like this, so follow me for a sec. I feel all manufacturers should make all guns, as well as a shield and grenade line specific to them. Kinda like this:
Guns: Add Sniper Rifles (For sniping while running around like a lunatic?)
Shields: Roid Shields
Grenade: Sticky Grenades (Dunno if they have a default type of grenade)
Guns: Add Shotguns and Rocket Launchers (Burst fire FTW!)
Shields: Bosster Shields
Grenade: Bouncing Betty Grenades
Guns: Add Assault Rifles and Rocket Launchers (Accuracy is always good)
Shields: Amp Shields
Grenade: Singularity Grenades
Guns: Add SMGs and Launchers (Cannon that shoots 1 giant bullet maybe?)
Shields: Rough Rider Shields (+Health and Flat damage Resist for 0 capacity)
Grenade: Shrapnel Grenades (Not high tech, but effective)
Guns: Add Shotguns and Assault Rifles
Shields: Spike/Nova Shields
Grenade: AoE Element Grenades (Switching some around here)
Guns: Add Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles
Shield: Disposable Shields (Like the Cradle, but less sucky)
Grenade: Standard Grenade (Again dunno if they have a default type)
Guns: Add SMGs and Sniper Rifles (BOOM! Headshot...)
Shields: Explosive/Manly Shields (Nova/Spike with +health and explosive res)
Grenades: MIRV Grenades
Guns: Add SMGs and Shotguns
Shield: Absorb Shields
Grenade: Bullet Storm Grenades (The ones that bounce around and shoot)
Guns: Add all guns (Shots heal allies, hits enemies for 1/2 damage, stacks with skills)
Shields: Adaptive Shields
Grenade: Transfusion (No clue how Maliwan got these)
Guns: Add all guns (Shots restore allies shields, hits enemies for 1/2 damage)
Shield: Turtle Shields
Grenade: Cover Grenades (Upon Detonation it leaves behind a shield like Axton's Phalanx Shield for a few seconds)
New Weapon Types:
So far I think the only idea here has been Flamethrowers and the like. But do Correct me if I am wrong. (Don't count melee weapons though)
Aka the flame thrower. I imagine these puppies would all have to be element and, thus exclusively E-Tech due to that property. They would shoot out in a certain arc and cone-shaped spread based on accuracy (less accuracy equals more spread, but less distance covered), applying damage per second to a target the stream is in contact with. The steam consumes ammo as long as it is active. Even with that in mind, they could still work for all Manufacturers like so:
Larger tank size (More ammo)
Burst Fire (Shoot a few clouds of the liquid?)
Increasing Accuracy (Spray starts wide and focuses over time)
High Damage (Maybe a legendary high powered squirt gun? Cold water for the frost element?)
More Elemental DoT damage
Exploding Chuckable Fuel Tanks!
Explosive (Shoots a stream of nitro that explodes after contact with the air?)
Shoots faster
Healing Beam (Think like TF2 Style?)
Shield Restoring Beam
In Closing
well if ya made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope I captured most of the ideas floating around here on the forums, but even if I didn't post and tell me so! Its been great fun hanging around here on the forums, hope to have many great conversations on this and other topics!