Came up with some ideas for new Legendary/Unique loot. Opinions? Any suggestions of your own?
Guided Pathfinder Target acquired. Tediore launcher with rockets that actively seek out the last enemy in the sights before being fired. Reloads also have a strong homing effect.
Odyssey D'oh! Shotgun that fires a fixed spread of six pellets that rotate like a whirlpool.
Love Bite It's what I need. Pistol that trades reduced damage for greatly increased health transfusion.
Force May it be with you. Shock shotgun that calls down lightning when its electric projectiles make contact with an enemy. Functions like the Eridian Thunder Storm from the first game.
Miss Moxxi's Cupid The atmosphere is electric. Shock sniper with rounds that stick in the target and draw in the single closest enemy before exploding into electric hearts.
Watchful Angel Executing phase shift. Shield that regenerates health and ammo when full, but applies slag to the user when it's fully depleted, once every complete recharge.
Horse Trojan detected. Initial grenade doesn't cause any damage, but then it literally opens up and throws out a cluster of smaller grenades.
Jackpot Against the odds. Grenade has a chance to be of any type or element.
Odyssey: Written by Homer, the red text references a different Homer. The weapon effect represents Scylla (six headed monster) and Charybdis (whirlpool).
Love Bite: Red text references a Def Leppard song of the same name (almost).
Force: Star Wars reference. In particular "Force Lightning".
Horse: Greek legend in which soldiers hid inside a wooden horse to gain entry to the enemy's ranks. The red text is a nod to antivirus software.
Guided Pathfinder Target acquired. Tediore launcher with rockets that actively seek out the last enemy in the sights before being fired. Reloads also have a strong homing effect.
Odyssey D'oh! Shotgun that fires a fixed spread of six pellets that rotate like a whirlpool.
Love Bite It's what I need. Pistol that trades reduced damage for greatly increased health transfusion.
Force May it be with you. Shock shotgun that calls down lightning when its electric projectiles make contact with an enemy. Functions like the Eridian Thunder Storm from the first game.
Miss Moxxi's Cupid The atmosphere is electric. Shock sniper with rounds that stick in the target and draw in the single closest enemy before exploding into electric hearts.
Watchful Angel Executing phase shift. Shield that regenerates health and ammo when full, but applies slag to the user when it's fully depleted, once every complete recharge.
Horse Trojan detected. Initial grenade doesn't cause any damage, but then it literally opens up and throws out a cluster of smaller grenades.
Jackpot Against the odds. Grenade has a chance to be of any type or element.
Odyssey: Written by Homer, the red text references a different Homer. The weapon effect represents Scylla (six headed monster) and Charybdis (whirlpool).
Love Bite: Red text references a Def Leppard song of the same name (almost).
Force: Star Wars reference. In particular "Force Lightning".
Horse: Greek legend in which soldiers hid inside a wooden horse to gain entry to the enemy's ranks. The red text is a nod to antivirus software.