This is a project my friend (Ryan Chang) and I (Bashir Duranai-Khan) made for one of our University classes (FACS 3933 - Introduction to Physical Computing). The idea of the final project was to create something using arduino and could be in the form of an art related work, tool or interface to the computer using the skills learned throughout the course. During the time of creating our proposal I was really hooked on Borderlands 2 and thought, "Why not make Claptrap from the game and use the robotics theme for my final project." So my friend Ryan joined me as our projects were quite similar - "dancing robots."
HERE IS THE YOUTUBE LINK TO WATCH IT DANCE - (It's not that great - but oh well)
and here are some pics
The entire gallery can be seen here:
or here with captions:
HERE IS THE YOUTUBE LINK TO WATCH IT DANCE - (It's not that great - but oh well)
and here are some pics

The entire gallery can be seen here:
or here with captions: