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Legendary Item Suggestions

For future reference, I'm sorry if they already made a Legendary like it. It's organized with the name first, then what would be the red text between quotes.

1) The Morua No-Scope "OMG HE'S SUCH A HAXOR!!!"
(Morua is Latin for COD, the fish, but it would reference the game) It would be a Dahl golden camo sniper. All the shots would have huge recoil when scoped, but when not scoped it's very accurate. When you looked in the scope, the sight would be a solid black "n00b". You would also re-gene health after a set time like in the game when holding it. Oh, and it shoots through walls, like a hack or something. Not really a CoD fan, but this seems like a fun gun.

2) The Maliwan 10th Dimension "Point of infinite infinities"
(I may have it wrong, but I think the 10th dimension has to do with something like all possibilities in every universe exist in this dimension, link to video about it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySBaY...t=HL1356581147) But it would be a Maliwan SMG that does a non-level of Maliwan damage to all health bars with their respective weakness. As in, whatever a Vladof, or Hyperion, etc. average elemental chance/damage would apply. With a shield it would only do shock, flame with flesh, and corrosion with armor. So just a general purpose elemental gun. Or, maybe it'd be better with a nova shield...

3) x2 Explosification "BOOM boom"
A relic that make every explosion explode twice, but do 1/4 to 1/2 damage.

4) <INSERT CLASS MOD TITLE HERE> "Please no vulgarity, wait, this is Borderlands..."
A class mod for each one of the characters, where you get 5 to 10 extra skill points to distribute freely, plus 2 skill points in the first tier of skills. Like in the Terramorphus Slayer/Legendary. Maybe you could name it? But it would stick to the item forever. That'd be great.

5) Nosferatu "Vampires now a days, am I right? Vat a joke!"
A transfusion grenade that when it kill flesh targets it turns them into your zombiefied minions for 10-20 seconds. They only can die from exploding, or other instant kills.

6) The Capitalist Pig "Oink oink oink"
The Valdof assault rifle that would have a dollar sign camo. It would only come in corrosive, but would explode into corrosion. When you fire it gets progressively slower, but would have more DPS than before.

7) Russian Roulette "Who wants to play? No one, just me? Fine. *SPIN BANG!"
A Jakobs pistol with a mag of 6, it randomly shoots five low damage blanks, and one VERY VERY HIGH damage actual bullet. One thing, you spin it every time you fire making it not as fast as you can pull the trigger (but it would never hit an empty chamber).

8) The Defective Copy Machine "Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam!"
(Office Space reference) A Hyperion SMG. It would be straight line accurate, then decrease in accuracy. It would sound like a printer printing rapidly, then go into an annoying beeping fax machine noise, you know the one. When it makes the printing noise it does high shock damage, and when it starts to break down, does high power fire damage, and both while it's transitioning.

9) Syco Madenes "No wonder they're all spoon for trouser insane!"
A Bandit rocket launcher that only fires when scoped. It would do fair per missile damage wise, but it would shoot 15 or so rockets in the shape of The Vault; it would then explode into bouncy bettys of all different sorts. When scoped, there is changing tint to the world, all erie disturbing colors though. And every baddy and friend would have red eyes, and look like a poorly made sketch shadow of the real thing. In the background you would also hear noises. Whispers, gun firing, and such. Maybe if you listen closely it could tell the story of a bandit you killed. Like one in Liars Berg or something.

10) The Patriotic WMD "Oooh... Aaaaw... Ooooh... AaaaAAAGH! IT BURNS!"
A Vladof rocket launcher that would fire fireworks haphazardly with all sorts of colors, blue for shock, yellow for explosive, and so on. Long reload, but it would be an E-tech like gun (that yes, is still a legendary) and would fire multiple time before wasting ammo.

11) The Pumper "When I c-o-c-k it, it explodes"
A pump action Tediore shotgun. Every time you fire and you recock the shot gun, it fires out a weaker version of the grenade that you have equipped and does not wast grenade ammo, as long as you have one grenade left though.
P.S. Sorry, for the "-" in between ****, as in cocking a gun by the way, but that's just it it won't let me write ****. ****. ****. See, you're just seeing stars. ****. ****! See, now it kinda fun. One more... ****!!!

12) Isaac Asimov's Revenge "Downloading Brainwash.exe"
(Isaac is the person who made the three laws of robotics) It would be an E-Tech (Yes, still a legendary) that does corrosive damage, it would be like my idea, Nosferatu, but with robots instead. They would only go for other robots or creatures, but as a result it would last for 20-30 seconds.

13) Okay, this is 4 guns, but how about make the Gearbox guns Legendary that only people who pre-ordered the game can use. They would actually be useful now! I literally traded them out for the first gun that matched their type of gun. So the first assault rifle was better than the Gearbox ones... BS...

14) Cataclysmic Concerto "So Mozart wrote 27 of these? Swwweeeeet!"
A Maliwan SMG that does huge elemental damage of every Maliwan element that would always explode, and when held it would play Mozart's 21st piano concerto. The only thing that would play over that would be player audio. Because really character audio by the time you have a legendary is pretty obsolete. Link to concerto:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df-eLzao63I Just think of that playing while you're blowing up Bandits, and seeing their limbs flying apart.

15) Haunting of Clyde "I hear wakka wakka in my nightmares!"
(Pac-man reference) It would be a Tourge assault rifle that shoots pixilated Pac-mans that jaggedly turn like it was in the maze. 4 pixilated ghosts would follow it before the Pac-man hits an enemy and they would all follow the enemy, or if it's a wall it'd just follow Pac-man's path.

16) The Magic Lamp "No, you can wish for more wishes"
A three shot Maliwan pistol (so 6 ammo) when you hit an enemy an elemental singularity forms around them ripping weaker ones apart, and if it's shock and the regular ones have a shield it will rip them apart, same for flesh and fire, and armor and corrosion. Everyone else is just pulled in and takes some elemental damage. It has 5-7 second fire-rate but the singularity lasts for a bit longer than regular.

17) Phalanx (Zapper, Dissolver, or Magma Wall) "No not Phallic, sicko."
It would be nova shield that creates one of Axton's turret shields when depleted. It would last for 1-3 second under the recharge delay, so the recharge would be at lest 8-13. It can be damaged though, but only friends can get through it and any enemy who touched it takes massive elemental damage. Of course, enemies like Terra that can't be pushed would have to go through it.

Gearbox, this are items I would love to play with, and I could really see these in the game. If you add them, I have plenty more ideas, but if you don't want to hear them, I'd just like some recondition. Thank you.


P.S. I reposted this because I didn't know there was fan creation section sorry.

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