[NOTE] "Crowdsource" means that everybody can give inputs, and everyone's ideas are important. I'll give a layout of the basic premise to start, and then literally EVERYTHING is up to the community for changing/modifying/adding/subtracting/etc. As soon as there's some general consensus about something being cool, it gets added; soon as it's clear that something sucks, I'll take it out. We all work together and make it epic, and the whole community is credited with the creation effort.
The only limitation on your inputs -- because there has to be *some* continuity -- is that *in this thread*, stick to historical figures as the premise. I picked Teddy as a starting point because he's the most masculine world leader in the history of masculine world leaders, with ample "over the top" opportunities. Also, the Bull Moose party is abbreviated "BM," and that amuses me. If the community would rather pick some other figure, that's fine -- I'll change the title and the skills and whatever else we all decide. But if you want to talk about another idea altogether, not involving history at all, please start your own "Crowdsource" thread and I'll jump in and help you there.
Cool? Cool. Alright, here it is -- The President.
Action Skill: BULL MOOSE
The President gains dramatically increased movement speed, melee damage, and damage reduction. This skill also decreases turning and strafing speed. ((Action Skill can be augmented to generate "threat" much like Sal's "Come At Me Bro," or to improve mobility and decrease turning penalties, or to give bonus stats to the team))
Skill Trees
Rough Rider -- an off-tank focus, which can deal moderate to high damage while intermittently taking pressure off your teammates. Contains action-skill melee augments and a threat mechanism (passive, ideally).
GAMECHANGER -- Bull Moose now generates threat while active. The skill draws enemy attention with increased effectiveness over the span of the ability (or not; I dunno, this probably needs some input)
Statesman -- a support focus, with skills that improve your own stats and those of your allies, and (possibly?) "slagging" talents. Contains a melee override talent which can "buff" allies.
GAMECHANGER -- while Bull Moose is on cooldown, pressing the Action Skill key triggers......something......Idunno, help me out here.
CAPSTONE -- "Buffing" skill; mechanics up for discussion, but possibly damage resistance and/or ammo/grenade/rocket regeneration, or simply stat bonuses.
Cowboy -- a DPS focus, emphasizing long-term damage output (as opposed to spike damage I guess) and movement speed. Contains weapon augments similar to Huckleberry or the Mech "LBT" tree.
CAPSTONE -- "Lasso;" can be activated by pressing the action-skill key during "Bull Moose" to lock-on a target for a short period of time. While locked on, your camera is automatically centered on the target's center-of-mass; player may move the aiming reticule to target critical points. Strafing is disabled during a Lasso.
Obviously a lot of work to be done still; I'll keep adding my own ideas until other people offer theirs, at which point the whole "Crowdsourcing" thing will come into play. All changes will be tracked in the changelog below.
LAST UPDATED: Never; posted 12/18/2012
CHANGELOG: (empty)
The only limitation on your inputs -- because there has to be *some* continuity -- is that *in this thread*, stick to historical figures as the premise. I picked Teddy as a starting point because he's the most masculine world leader in the history of masculine world leaders, with ample "over the top" opportunities. Also, the Bull Moose party is abbreviated "BM," and that amuses me. If the community would rather pick some other figure, that's fine -- I'll change the title and the skills and whatever else we all decide. But if you want to talk about another idea altogether, not involving history at all, please start your own "Crowdsource" thread and I'll jump in and help you there.
Cool? Cool. Alright, here it is -- The President.
Action Skill: BULL MOOSE
The President gains dramatically increased movement speed, melee damage, and damage reduction. This skill also decreases turning and strafing speed. ((Action Skill can be augmented to generate "threat" much like Sal's "Come At Me Bro," or to improve mobility and decrease turning penalties, or to give bonus stats to the team))
Skill Trees
Rough Rider -- an off-tank focus, which can deal moderate to high damage while intermittently taking pressure off your teammates. Contains action-skill melee augments and a threat mechanism (passive, ideally).
GAMECHANGER -- Bull Moose now generates threat while active. The skill draws enemy attention with increased effectiveness over the span of the ability (or not; I dunno, this probably needs some input)
Statesman -- a support focus, with skills that improve your own stats and those of your allies, and (possibly?) "slagging" talents. Contains a melee override talent which can "buff" allies.
GAMECHANGER -- while Bull Moose is on cooldown, pressing the Action Skill key triggers......something......Idunno, help me out here.
CAPSTONE -- "Buffing" skill; mechanics up for discussion, but possibly damage resistance and/or ammo/grenade/rocket regeneration, or simply stat bonuses.
Cowboy -- a DPS focus, emphasizing long-term damage output (as opposed to spike damage I guess) and movement speed. Contains weapon augments similar to Huckleberry or the Mech "LBT" tree.
CAPSTONE -- "Lasso;" can be activated by pressing the action-skill key during "Bull Moose" to lock-on a target for a short period of time. While locked on, your camera is automatically centered on the target's center-of-mass; player may move the aiming reticule to target critical points. Strafing is disabled during a Lasso.
Obviously a lot of work to be done still; I'll keep adding my own ideas until other people offer theirs, at which point the whole "Crowdsourcing" thing will come into play. All changes will be tracked in the changelog below.
LAST UPDATED: Never; posted 12/18/2012
CHANGELOG: (empty)