Remember when you arrive in Sanctuary and talk to Claptrap, and he gives you a load of ridiculous objectives to complete in order to find his stash? Well how about a DLC in which you actually do them?
The story starts when Claptrap tells you he does in fact have a real secret treasure stash of rare loot, but it's hidden halfway around Pandora. The DLC takes place in a new set of areas populated by a Claptrap-worshipping tribe, who provide the side mission content.
Running parallel to this are the main objectives, each tied to a trophy/achievement.
-Collect 139,377 Brown Rocks: Enemies in the DLC will have a chance to drop a stack of these (500?) and are guaranteed to drop them if you kill them with a critical hit. Completing this task earns you the trophy "Geologist".
-Defeat Ug-Thak, Lord of Skags: This will be a giant skag boss who is even larger than Dukino's Mom. The trophy for beating him is "Play Dead".
-Pilfer Lost Staff of Mount Schuler: Mount Schuler will be at the centre of the Claptrap worshippers' cult. Once the relevant mission is active, you'll need to confront a tribesman boss at the top to retrieve the Staff and earn the trophy "Old Schule".
-Defeat Destroyer of Worlds: To find out where the chamber is where Claptrap's stash is hidden, you'll need to use the Staff, which results in a Destroyer-esque end boss being released. Beating it gets you the trophy "Karma Geddon".
-Dance, Dance, Baby: The only way you can enter the treasure chamber is by dancing. This completes the final story mission, and like the other DLC will earn you a trophy, "96.5% More Wub Wub".
The actual stash will include a unique Claptrap-brand orange weapon on a stand, and 3-5 chests of minimum purple-quality loot. You can only access it once per playthrough.
Thoughts, anyone? Would you be interested in playing something like this?
The story starts when Claptrap tells you he does in fact have a real secret treasure stash of rare loot, but it's hidden halfway around Pandora. The DLC takes place in a new set of areas populated by a Claptrap-worshipping tribe, who provide the side mission content.
Running parallel to this are the main objectives, each tied to a trophy/achievement.
-Collect 139,377 Brown Rocks: Enemies in the DLC will have a chance to drop a stack of these (500?) and are guaranteed to drop them if you kill them with a critical hit. Completing this task earns you the trophy "Geologist".
-Defeat Ug-Thak, Lord of Skags: This will be a giant skag boss who is even larger than Dukino's Mom. The trophy for beating him is "Play Dead".
-Pilfer Lost Staff of Mount Schuler: Mount Schuler will be at the centre of the Claptrap worshippers' cult. Once the relevant mission is active, you'll need to confront a tribesman boss at the top to retrieve the Staff and earn the trophy "Old Schule".
-Defeat Destroyer of Worlds: To find out where the chamber is where Claptrap's stash is hidden, you'll need to use the Staff, which results in a Destroyer-esque end boss being released. Beating it gets you the trophy "Karma Geddon".
-Dance, Dance, Baby: The only way you can enter the treasure chamber is by dancing. This completes the final story mission, and like the other DLC will earn you a trophy, "96.5% More Wub Wub".
The actual stash will include a unique Claptrap-brand orange weapon on a stand, and 3-5 chests of minimum purple-quality loot. You can only access it once per playthrough.
Thoughts, anyone? Would you be interested in playing something like this?