Alright, first post!
Hello all, casual gamer here. Most of my gaming experience thus far has been with the Grand Theft Auto series. Played III, Vice City, and San Andreas. Even got San Andreas to 100% completion. Could have something to do with the terrible grades I got in college. Years after it came out, I finally got a PS3 (what can I say, I'm poor), and played GTA4 and Red Dead Redemption (the latter to 100% as well). All my experience with first person shooters was on PCs, so I was more used to aiming with a keyboard and mouse, so console shooters were challenging for me.
A friend introduced us (my wife and I) to BL1 a few months before BL2 came out, and we played it through together and got hooked. Said friend then got us a copy of BL2 for our anniversary, so that's been occupying our time since. Great game, love the co-op, love all kinds of things about it the music, the humor - it's awesome!
One of our favorite characters (all three of us) is Claptrap, and our friend expressed an interest in building the super intricate paper craft model that came out a while ago. She's pretty busy with school and work and the like, so I figured I'd build it in my spare time (currently unemployed, and job hunting only occupies so many hours in the day) as kind of a thank you for introducing us to the series.
And then I realized I don't have anywhere near the patience for that many little pieces and gluing everything together, and even if I did manage to build it, it's pretty fragile. I know my way around a table saw, however, so I decided to build a large, almost full scale model. I could never really nail down his exact dimensions, so I went off the 4" figurine, and scaled that up to what pre-made wheel sizes were available to me.
I should have taken more pictures along the way, but hindsight is 20/20, so now at least I've started. Here is where it sits now:
The eye lights up, and he lifts out of the stand and can roll around on the wheel. The arms are posable, although the elbows are locked at 90°, because I couldn't come up with a good hinge design for the smaller doweling. It's 30" to the top of the case. I know the wheel is too narrow, but it's what was available to me from Home Despot. There are a few details I couldn't make work, like the recess around the eyeball, but overall I'm pretty pleased with how it's coming out. I still need to attach the eye and arm flaps, bondo and sand the edges, and paint it. Hopefully I'll get it done for Christmas.
Currently I'm planning on making him look a little beat up like in-game. Any votes on factory new vs. road tested?
TL;DR - Friend got wife and I hooked on Borderlands, I'm building her a large Claptrap for Christmas as a thank you.
Hello all, casual gamer here. Most of my gaming experience thus far has been with the Grand Theft Auto series. Played III, Vice City, and San Andreas. Even got San Andreas to 100% completion. Could have something to do with the terrible grades I got in college. Years after it came out, I finally got a PS3 (what can I say, I'm poor), and played GTA4 and Red Dead Redemption (the latter to 100% as well). All my experience with first person shooters was on PCs, so I was more used to aiming with a keyboard and mouse, so console shooters were challenging for me.
A friend introduced us (my wife and I) to BL1 a few months before BL2 came out, and we played it through together and got hooked. Said friend then got us a copy of BL2 for our anniversary, so that's been occupying our time since. Great game, love the co-op, love all kinds of things about it the music, the humor - it's awesome!
One of our favorite characters (all three of us) is Claptrap, and our friend expressed an interest in building the super intricate paper craft model that came out a while ago. She's pretty busy with school and work and the like, so I figured I'd build it in my spare time (currently unemployed, and job hunting only occupies so many hours in the day) as kind of a thank you for introducing us to the series.
And then I realized I don't have anywhere near the patience for that many little pieces and gluing everything together, and even if I did manage to build it, it's pretty fragile. I know my way around a table saw, however, so I decided to build a large, almost full scale model. I could never really nail down his exact dimensions, so I went off the 4" figurine, and scaled that up to what pre-made wheel sizes were available to me.
I should have taken more pictures along the way, but hindsight is 20/20, so now at least I've started. Here is where it sits now:

The eye lights up, and he lifts out of the stand and can roll around on the wheel. The arms are posable, although the elbows are locked at 90°, because I couldn't come up with a good hinge design for the smaller doweling. It's 30" to the top of the case. I know the wheel is too narrow, but it's what was available to me from Home Despot. There are a few details I couldn't make work, like the recess around the eyeball, but overall I'm pretty pleased with how it's coming out. I still need to attach the eye and arm flaps, bondo and sand the edges, and paint it. Hopefully I'll get it done for Christmas.
Currently I'm planning on making him look a little beat up like in-game. Any votes on factory new vs. road tested?
TL;DR - Friend got wife and I hooked on Borderlands, I'm building her a large Claptrap for Christmas as a thank you.