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Pandora Loot Hunters Guild

Hello All. My name is Chris. I am an xbox360 player. I am 39 and have literally been gaming since Pong. Those of you that have been around as long as I have, know what a gem we have in the Borderlands series. Games like this don't come along every year, hell they don't come along every ten years. I am not here to get into all of that though. Needless to say that I LOVE BORDERLANDS. Problem is, I hate playing with all of the damn loot whores. You know who I mean. The people tat come in the game, run ahead of everyone and hit all of the loot chests before anyone else can get there. If they don't do that, they come in at the end of a boss fight, run in and snag everything as soon as the boss goes down. How frustrating is it to slog through a loooong battle only to have the spoils ripped from under you? It sux!
My point? I would like to use these forums to organize good, honest gamers, that don't mind abiding by a few rules to make sure that everyone has fun and gets a fare shake at the rare loot. Also a way to organize set events for gamers to get together and trade items, in a semi-controlled atmosphere, where you at least some what know the person you are dealing with.

The rules of the game are simple.
Each player gets a turn at the loot chest. It's not that difficult to determine a rotation at the beginning of the session. When a loot chest is found, the player determined to go first claims the contents, when the next loot chest is found, the player determined to go second claims the contents, on through the fourth player and then the order would restart. It's simple and fair.

It would also be nice to play with people that won't pick something up, as soon as you drop it. I am frequently dropping an item or two, to shuffle and it sucks when someone snatches and leaves. I have not had that happen but always like to avoid it.

If anyone one is interested, add KingSkizo to your friends list on 360. If you join my games and play like a loot whore, you will get the boot! Leave your gamer tags here as well. All honest, fun loving gamers welcome! Lets loot that booty and get the good stuff!

One other stipulation, YOU MUST use a Mic!

Right now this is for 360 only but may try to expand it across all platforms, if there is enough interest.

---------- Post added at 11:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 PM ----------

Pandora LOOT Hunters Guild
"Official" Mission Statement and Rules of Membership

"OFFICIAL" Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Pandora LOOT Hunters Guild to provide a network of like minded, mature, individuals who enjoy gaming/trading in the co-op arena and don't mind making a few sacrifices for the betterment of the community and game. We are here to further enrich the playing experience of Borderlands2 by providing dupe free games, along side the element of friendly play and fair sharing. We encourage all players to be respectful of each other, have respect for the game and it's community. We encourage ALL gamers to play the game, as it was meant to be played, without power leveling, duping , loot whoring or taking part in any other negative action that takes away from the longevity of the game and its community, or defeats the purpose of actually playing the game. Our motto is "Fun, Fair and Friendly!".

Rules of Membership

1. You must create a completely new character/characters to be used in games sanctioned by the P.L.H.G.. This is to help ensure duped items are not in the game and to create a more even level among players as LOOT sharing order will be established by melee only duals. These characters are only to be used in games sanctioned by the P.L.H.G..

2. The character/characters that you create, for P.L.H.G., MUST NOT be used in any game/games not sanctioned by the P.L.H.G.. Your characters are for P.L.H.G. games only. You can have other characters, for use in public games. You just can't use them in a P.L.H.G. game.

Duping takes away from the games longevity, the longevity of the community, the purpose for playing the game and the excitement of finding those rare, sought after items. Duping spoils the very nature of the game. If you have easily obtained EVERY rare item in the game, what fun is there in continuing to play? You already have all of the good stuff so the motivation to play is lost more quickly. You lose all excitement of finding those treasured items. Keep it pure, keep it dupe free!

4.ABSOLUTELY NO POWER LEVELING! Again, power leveling takes away from one of the core enjoyable aspects (and reasons for our addiction) of playing Borderlands2. Everyone loves seeing that "Level Up" pop up. Leveling up, assigning those new skill points, getting new skills, finding the rare items, these are all things that keep us playing the game. Cheating through any of them defeats the characteristics that make the game addictive and enjoyable. Earn those levels one hard fought XP point at a time, the way it was meant to be done.

5.ALL LOOT SHALL BE SHARED in a fair manner! We will use a system of order to share LOOT. At the beginning of each sanctioned P.L.H.G. session, we will have melee only duals to determined the order in which the LOOT chests will be taken. Establish who will fight in the first round. All four players will fight at the same time. You are NOT to interfere in each others duals. After the winners of both fights have been established, round two will begin. In round two, the winners of the first two fights will melee dual, NO SHIELDS, each other, the two losers of the first bouts will dual each other at this time as well. The dual between the first two winners will establish first and second, the dual between the two losers will establish 3rd and fourth. After order is established ALL LOOT chests will be shared in the given order, however, when it is your turn to open a chest, you can opt to pass the chest to the next person and take the next chest instead. Your place in the order will be the same as it was, before you opted to pass, when the order resets. When am ultimate loot chest is found, containing 4 items, the person who is set to get the next chest will get first pick of the items in the ultimate loot chests. Anything with FOUR items in it should be handled this way. Ammo crates DO NOT count as LOOT chests, even if they contain a weapon. The weapon of an ammo crate will belong to whom ever found it. Keep it fair, keep in fun! We can use a second option for the LOOT, if we don't like dueling. Bosses can be farmed 4 times to ensure that everyone gets a BOSS drop.

Since I will be online during all sanctioned events, each person, from each party will send me a number between one and tweny. Immediately upon receiving ALL guesses, I will send out the number, without looking at you all's numbers. Order would then go from closest to farthest. If there is a tie between someone that went over the number and someone that didn't go over the number, the person that did not go over will go first. Any other ties will be settled by a NO SHIELD, melee dual.

6.ALL TRADING WILL ONLY BE DONE AT THE BEGINNING AND END OF THE SESSIONS! This to ensure that the game play is not getting bogged down with constant trading. Be mindful of other players that are wanting to play, not trade. Use these designated times out of respect for others.

7. KEEP IT FUN! Simple really, no in game bickering regarding your position in line, regarding loot, no trash talking the people you are playing with, no yelling in the mic, REVIVE your team mates, play together, stay together. If all players stay together during play, it's easier to keep a handle on the LOOT and someone is less likely to be accused of loot whoring.

8. NO RANDOMS ALLOWED! Pretty clear here. f you are not an P.L.H.G. member, the game is closed.

. YOU MUST HAVE AND USE A MIC! Since we are playing a co-op team game, MIC's are not only encouraged, they are a must have. Communication adds to the lively hood, fun factor and team work of the game. Come correct or not at all!

Okay. I think that about covers it. I don't think we need a ton of rules. These pretty much define what the guild stands for. If the rules are too much, I understand. I don't expect this to be for everyone. To those that do participate though, I look forward to looting and shooting with you.

If you agree to these terms and conditions and would like to be a member in the P.L.H.G., type your name and gamer tag here. By doing so you agree to abide by the rules and terms of membership. Anyone caught breaking the rules will be immediately terminated from the group.

Keep it fun, fair and friendly!

Chris White
AKA KingSkizo-xbox360 GT

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