Dear Gearbox Software,
The character skins in Borderlands 2 are awesome! Why is the swag that is being sold of low quality and design when the character skins look amazing? I want shirts that looks like Axton's Maliwan shirt. There are a lot of cool gun manufacturers in the game... why not make and sell quality designed clothes to go for each manufacturer? Click on the link below and look at these hoodies that have been designed by your fans based off character skins. WHY ARN'T WE FUNDING THIS?!?!
The character skins in Borderlands 2 are awesome! Why is the swag that is being sold of low quality and design when the character skins look amazing? I want shirts that looks like Axton's Maliwan shirt. There are a lot of cool gun manufacturers in the game... why not make and sell quality designed clothes to go for each manufacturer? Click on the link below and look at these hoodies that have been designed by your fans based off character skins. WHY ARN'T WE FUNDING THIS?!?!