Physical characteristics: A massive Goliath with six arms, each wielding a different sword of varying sizes and shapes. He is super fast and can deal massive damage with each of his swords, albeit he only swipes at you once per turn. He also has ranged "magic" that he can use to fight you from afar. Gilgamorph is a level 52 with 99,999,999 HP (health is increased to 999,999,999 when more than two players are present in the fight.) He is resistant to all Elemental damage, excluding Slag. When coated in Slag, Gilgamorph briefly loses his resistances for a short time.
Depending on which sword he hits you with, four of his six swords will deal damage and cast a different debuff on the player(s). One will temporarily reduce movement speed*, one temporarily increases the amount of time for your power to cool down*, another inflicts you with all 5 elements (slag, corrosive, shock, fire, and explosive), and the other temporarily decreases your weapon stats (i.e. damage, fire rate, reload speed, etc.*) These attacks have ~50% chance to cast the debuff mentioned earlier on you; his other swords, Excalibur and Excalipoor, are the only swords that have no special effects on them besides damage. Excalipoor is the only sword that does no damage to the player(s). When he has 1/5 of his health remaining, he goes into Gilgamorphing Time. He gains a permanent damage buff that lasts throughout the entire fight (until the player(s) either defeats Gilgamorph or fail to best him), attacks more than once on a player and moves around the arena more frequently and at a much faster rate. Has a special attack that allows him to rapidly attack multiple players in the party with all six of his weapons, causing each of the debuffs to be applied on one or more players at once.
Back story:
Gilgamorph was once an average Goliath working for the Bloodshots, when he lost his senses and inexplicably removed his helmet of his own will and volition. He murdered all of his friends and loved ones in cold blood as he immensely grew in size and stature. As he killed off his allies, his body began to rapidly mutate to the point that he had six arms strangling his once close friends. In his acclimated rage towards his once loyal friends—and their attempts to fend him off—he had an ambiguous epiphany. He understood what his purpose in life was: To become a connoisseur of the rarest swords on Pandora, since he was bound to the Bloodshots and forced to stay prone to his post until the day he died.
He left Pandora via a hijacked ship in search of the rarest and most powerful weapons throughout the galaxy. Although he was after the best weapons in the universe, what he was really after was the legendary sword lost in the canals of space and time: Excalibur. He eventually found it on Pandora of all places—while finding, and evidentially removing older swords for stronger ones—and decided to remain on the hospitable and insane planet, saddened that he had achieved his only purpose in life. He remains there in hopes that a warrior skilled and strong enough can defeat him and put an end to his misery. But not without a fight, respectively!
Lines of dialogue:
When attacked (player initiates combat against Gilgamorph):
"You seek a challenge? THEN YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!"
"弾道発射!これは何魔術ですか?あなたは魔法の芸術、異教徒を先導するために死ぬ!"(Dand ō hassha! Korehanani majutsudesu ka? Anata wa mahō no geijutsu, ikyōto o sendō suru tame ni shinu!, Japanese for "Ballistic projectiles! What sorcery is this? You shall die for ushering the art of witchcraft, heathen!")
"You imbecile! Do you not know who I am!?"
When Gilgamorph is attacking:
"Take that, mongrel!"
"Eat this!"
When Gilgamorph misses an attack:
"How did you dodge that!?"
"It appears you have avoided my attack."
When hit by the player:
"You got me!"
When Gilgamorph downs a player:
"Dodge that, asshole!"
"There's no place for you here, plebeian."
"Go back to farming Terramorphous. Oh wait! They made him even harder! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" (He breaks the fourth wall, mentioning that the developers have patched the game to increase the health of several bosses.)
"Now stay the **** down!"
When initiating Gilgamorphing Time:
"Thou shall feel thine tremors from thine wrathful blades!"
"Have you met my cousin Gilgamesh? He's a thimble strain of bacteria compared to ME!" (He breaks the fourth wall, acknowledging that he is related to Gilgamesh.)
"Let's hope you've brought a great many handkerchiefs, because I’m going to shove my swords up your assholes!"
(Unique dialogue when fighting in a group) "Welcome to the Internets! Let’s hear it to these brave souls who have– Wait! They should be applauding me, not these losers!"
When charging up his Ultima attack:
"Prepare for my Fifteen Finger Death Punch!" (A reference to the Heavy Metal band Five Finger Death Punch)
"Prepare your anuses, for I’m gonna rape you like there’s no tomorrow!"
"The Tri-Force of Wisdom says I’m gonna kick you ass!" (A reference to Legend of Zelda.)
"I'm ready for your parry if you're ready for my SLASH!" (A reference to Whose Line is it Anyway?)
When slain:
"I’ll be back…" (A reference to the famous line spoken by Arnold Schwarzenegger)
"I wonder what’s for dinner?" (A reference to the infamous Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon for the CDi.)
"I’ll be seeing you in the Rift!" (Breaking the fourth wall, mentioning that he will return to the Rift.)
"Bang." (A reference to the famous last line spoken by Spike Spiegel in Cowboy Bebop.)
Good luck!
Physical characteristics: A massive Goliath with six arms, each wielding a different sword of varying sizes and shapes. He is super fast and can deal massive damage with each of his swords, albeit he only swipes at you once per turn. He also has ranged "magic" that he can use to fight you from afar. Gilgamorph is a level 52 with 99,999,999 HP (health is increased to 999,999,999 when more than two players are present in the fight.) He is resistant to all Elemental damage, excluding Slag. When coated in Slag, Gilgamorph briefly loses his resistances for a short time.
Depending on which sword he hits you with, four of his six swords will deal damage and cast a different debuff on the player(s). One will temporarily reduce movement speed*, one temporarily increases the amount of time for your power to cool down*, another inflicts you with all 5 elements (slag, corrosive, shock, fire, and explosive), and the other temporarily decreases your weapon stats (i.e. damage, fire rate, reload speed, etc.*) These attacks have ~50% chance to cast the debuff mentioned earlier on you; his other swords, Excalibur and Excalipoor, are the only swords that have no special effects on them besides damage. Excalipoor is the only sword that does no damage to the player(s). When he has 1/5 of his health remaining, he goes into Gilgamorphing Time. He gains a permanent damage buff that lasts throughout the entire fight (until the player(s) either defeats Gilgamorph or fail to best him), attacks more than once on a player and moves around the arena more frequently and at a much faster rate. Has a special attack that allows him to rapidly attack multiple players in the party with all six of his weapons, causing each of the debuffs to be applied on one or more players at once.
Back story:
Gilgamorph was once an average Goliath working for the Bloodshots, when he lost his senses and inexplicably removed his helmet of his own will and volition. He murdered all of his friends and loved ones in cold blood as he immensely grew in size and stature. As he killed off his allies, his body began to rapidly mutate to the point that he had six arms strangling his once close friends. In his acclimated rage towards his once loyal friends—and their attempts to fend him off—he had an ambiguous epiphany. He understood what his purpose in life was: To become a connoisseur of the rarest swords on Pandora, since he was bound to the Bloodshots and forced to stay prone to his post until the day he died.
He left Pandora via a hijacked ship in search of the rarest and most powerful weapons throughout the galaxy. Although he was after the best weapons in the universe, what he was really after was the legendary sword lost in the canals of space and time: Excalibur. He eventually found it on Pandora of all places—while finding, and evidentially removing older swords for stronger ones—and decided to remain on the hospitable and insane planet, saddened that he had achieved his only purpose in life. He remains there in hopes that a warrior skilled and strong enough can defeat him and put an end to his misery. But not without a fight, respectively!
- Seraph Crystals
- Seraph Gear
- Legendary items
- Excalibur, a Legendary Hyperion Shotgun with massive damage that also has a bayonet attached to it. Similar to the Conference Call, except the shots shoot out around you, hitting anyone within your vicinity. Can have elemental effects on it.
- Excalipoor, a Legendary Hyperion Shotgun that is the polar opposite of Excalibur. Instead of the shots expelling out, the shots close in on you, hitting anyone within your vicinity. Can have elemental effects.
Lines of dialogue:
When attacked (player initiates combat against Gilgamorph):
"You seek a challenge? THEN YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!"
"弾道発射!これは何魔術ですか?あなたは魔法の芸術、異教徒を先導するために死ぬ!"(Dand ō hassha! Korehanani majutsudesu ka? Anata wa mahō no geijutsu, ikyōto o sendō suru tame ni shinu!, Japanese for "Ballistic projectiles! What sorcery is this? You shall die for ushering the art of witchcraft, heathen!")
"You imbecile! Do you not know who I am!?"
When Gilgamorph is attacking:
"Take that, mongrel!"
"Eat this!"
When Gilgamorph misses an attack:
"How did you dodge that!?"
"It appears you have avoided my attack."
When hit by the player:
"You got me!"
When Gilgamorph downs a player:
"Dodge that, asshole!"
"There's no place for you here, plebeian."
"Go back to farming Terramorphous. Oh wait! They made him even harder! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" (He breaks the fourth wall, mentioning that the developers have patched the game to increase the health of several bosses.)
"Now stay the **** down!"
When initiating Gilgamorphing Time:
"Thou shall feel thine tremors from thine wrathful blades!"
"Have you met my cousin Gilgamesh? He's a thimble strain of bacteria compared to ME!" (He breaks the fourth wall, acknowledging that he is related to Gilgamesh.)
"Let's hope you've brought a great many handkerchiefs, because I’m going to shove my swords up your assholes!"
(Unique dialogue when fighting in a group) "Welcome to the Internets! Let’s hear it to these brave souls who have– Wait! They should be applauding me, not these losers!"
When charging up his Ultima attack:
"Prepare for my Fifteen Finger Death Punch!" (A reference to the Heavy Metal band Five Finger Death Punch)
"Prepare your anuses, for I’m gonna rape you like there’s no tomorrow!"
"The Tri-Force of Wisdom says I’m gonna kick you ass!" (A reference to Legend of Zelda.)
"I'm ready for your parry if you're ready for my SLASH!" (A reference to Whose Line is it Anyway?)
When slain:
"I’ll be back…" (A reference to the famous line spoken by Arnold Schwarzenegger)
"I wonder what’s for dinner?" (A reference to the infamous Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon for the CDi.)
"I’ll be seeing you in the Rift!" (Breaking the fourth wall, mentioning that he will return to the Rift.)
"Bang." (A reference to the famous last line spoken by Spike Spiegel in Cowboy Bebop.)
Good luck!