So everyone loves the bandits and their hilarious personalities/voice acting, so over the course of getting killed by these lovable goons, I can't help but notice how well they work together to kick our butts. So, like most antagonists in video games, I really wish they were playable. Now I'm not much of a story writer, but here goes nothing:
The Forgotten Four - Psycho, Midget, Nomad, and Goliath (lets just call them "The 4" for now)- are like most bandits in the game: farmers, miners, researchers, etc. who have been left for dead on Pandora and have begun to lose their minds. Unlike other bandits, they retain a lot of their memories of who they were before being on Pandora - kinda like Tannis, but more on the schmanibalistic side - and thus refer to themselves with their actual names: *insert 4 normal sounding names here*.
In order to survive, They've joined a bandit clan, *insert cool clan name here*, and have had a somewhat tolerable life up until the main antagonist, Jack's Girlfriend, shows up with her posse and wipes the clan off the map. Survivors are invited to live in lynchwood, but the 4 foresee the trap and set off on their own.
With their lives ruined they swear revenge on the sheriff - since this takes place before the events of the VH main story. The campaign consists of the 4 doing anything they can to bring the sheriff out of hiding: robbing banks, destroying trains, killing deputies, etc.
I've come up with skill trees for the psycho and the midget, but i wanna see if people like the idea first before posting them. So what do you think :P
The Forgotten Four - Psycho, Midget, Nomad, and Goliath (lets just call them "The 4" for now)- are like most bandits in the game: farmers, miners, researchers, etc. who have been left for dead on Pandora and have begun to lose their minds. Unlike other bandits, they retain a lot of their memories of who they were before being on Pandora - kinda like Tannis, but more on the schmanibalistic side - and thus refer to themselves with their actual names: *insert 4 normal sounding names here*.
In order to survive, They've joined a bandit clan, *insert cool clan name here*, and have had a somewhat tolerable life up until the main antagonist, Jack's Girlfriend, shows up with her posse and wipes the clan off the map. Survivors are invited to live in lynchwood, but the 4 foresee the trap and set off on their own.
With their lives ruined they swear revenge on the sheriff - since this takes place before the events of the VH main story. The campaign consists of the 4 doing anything they can to bring the sheriff out of hiding: robbing banks, destroying trains, killing deputies, etc.
I've come up with skill trees for the psycho and the midget, but i wanna see if people like the idea first before posting them. So what do you think :P