Hello addicted gamers of Borderlands!!!
So...When I have classes and instead of going to youtube and watching some drum covers and BL2 secrets...I decided to make Axton´s turret ( AKA Scorpio 2.0) because, Axton is the best...you just deploy the turret and it does your job...killing the bad guys...bla bla bla...so here it is, enjoy and comment about what you think about it!!!:dukeaffirmative:
So...When I have classes and instead of going to youtube and watching some drum covers and BL2 secrets...I decided to make Axton´s turret ( AKA Scorpio 2.0) because, Axton is the best...you just deploy the turret and it does your job...killing the bad guys...bla bla bla...so here it is, enjoy and comment about what you think about it!!!:dukeaffirmative: