This is a WIP for now. I just wanted to get my ideas down for later.
What I'm going for here is to make a new class that functions the work of a bard, tank, or rogue in a new and original way. While other classes were built for specific roles in mind but other roles thrown in to accent, this class gives a complete choice between them.
Bio: With his old-fashioned ways and all, Donny originally came to Pandora in hopes to find a stash of fine tea and delicious women in the vault. He was disappointed to learn that it wasn't that kind of treasure. Now he's kicking ass until he finds some distressed damsels to save.
Specialties: Elemental weapons and shotguns.
Body Description: Steve Buscemi with a mustache in armor resembling a knight of the future. Note: The below picture isn't actually what I want him to look like. At all. He's honestly more like a Sir Daniel Fortesque mixed with Master Chief.
Action Skill: Donny Q deploys his holo-shield, which is basically a big ass knight's shield made of sciency mumbo jumbo plasma that he carries in his left arm. It lasts about the same time as gunzerking. If it takes too much damage it can temporarily crack and damage can seep through it, but if left relatively untouched it will regenerate. While the holo-shield is out Donny can't aim down sights but hip-firing becomes very accurate.
1st tree: Chivalry
Basic idea: This is the bard tree. It focuses mostly on buffing teammates and debuffing enemies. Auras of defense, health, ammo regen, shield regen, etc. One of the skills could be that the shield sucks up and repackages some % of bullets that hit it.
A1: Status effects last x longer. /5
A2: Donny sends out transfusion orbs to his teammates when he is hurt. /5
A3: Status effects slow down enemies by x%. /5
A4: Slag weapons are x% more likely to cause effects. /5
A5: NPCs that hit the holo-shield have x% chance to shoot Donny's most recent target for a few seconds. /5
A6: Shots blocked by the holo-shield have x% chance to bounce off as ammo packs. /1
A7: On-Kill: Teamwide ammo regen. /5
A8: Aura of x% damage resistance. /5
A9: This one is a little complicated. There is an imaginary aura around Donny. Players within this invisible aura earn shield of their own. Only Donny controls the orientation of these holo shields. Other players can still fire down the sights. /1
A12: Projectiles that hit the holo-shield deal no splash damage and have a chance to do no damage. /1
2nd tree: Rocinante
Basic idea: The rogue tree. Donny gets down and dirty with his opposition with incredible speed. Ideas for skills include increasing move speed while running, ability to attack while sprinting, exploding steps, running into the enemies.
B6: Footsteps deal explosive damage. The longer the player continues to move forward (direction he's facing,) the larger and more damaging the explosions become. Maxes out at a certain point. /1
B9: Deploys holographic coverings for the weapon currently equipped that resemble Medieval weaponry. Think juicing in Monday Night Combat. Each weapon type has a distinct medieval weapon going along with it. Rocket Launchers become lances, Sniper Rifles become rapiers. Et cetera. Because of this, melee damage is greatly improved while the Holo-Shield is deployed. Depending on weapon, other aspects of melee can change as well, like speed and range. /1
3rd tree: 'Tis only a flesh wound:
Basic idea: The tank tree. Donny, unlike other tanks from Borderlands, focuses on massive shields and even adding armor. Skills include converting portions of health to armor, increasing shield capacity, the ability to steal shield health from enemies.
C1: Increases Shield Capacity. /5
C2: -x% health + 2x% of health as armor. /5
C3: Regenerate health when shields are up. Regeneration increases as shields get lower. /5
C4: Getting hit while holo-shield is up adds x% (super low number) resistance to damage for a short time. Stacks. /5
C5: Melee'ing a shielded enemy returns x% of damage as shields. /5
C6: On Kill- Holoshield grows, slowly shrinks back to normal size. Stackable. /1
C7: Gain x health on second wind. /5
C8: Recharge Holo-Shield x% faster. /5
C9: Instead of the holo-shield actually going away, he just puts it on his back to recharge it. /1
C10: +x% Holo-Shield health. Prevents cracking. /2
Will be back to finish this feller up.
What I'm going for here is to make a new class that functions the work of a bard, tank, or rogue in a new and original way. While other classes were built for specific roles in mind but other roles thrown in to accent, this class gives a complete choice between them.
Bio: With his old-fashioned ways and all, Donny originally came to Pandora in hopes to find a stash of fine tea and delicious women in the vault. He was disappointed to learn that it wasn't that kind of treasure. Now he's kicking ass until he finds some distressed damsels to save.
Specialties: Elemental weapons and shotguns.
Body Description: Steve Buscemi with a mustache in armor resembling a knight of the future. Note: The below picture isn't actually what I want him to look like. At all. He's honestly more like a Sir Daniel Fortesque mixed with Master Chief.

Action Skill: Donny Q deploys his holo-shield, which is basically a big ass knight's shield made of sciency mumbo jumbo plasma that he carries in his left arm. It lasts about the same time as gunzerking. If it takes too much damage it can temporarily crack and damage can seep through it, but if left relatively untouched it will regenerate. While the holo-shield is out Donny can't aim down sights but hip-firing becomes very accurate.
1st tree: Chivalry
Basic idea: This is the bard tree. It focuses mostly on buffing teammates and debuffing enemies. Auras of defense, health, ammo regen, shield regen, etc. One of the skills could be that the shield sucks up and repackages some % of bullets that hit it.
A1: Status effects last x longer. /5
A2: Donny sends out transfusion orbs to his teammates when he is hurt. /5
A3: Status effects slow down enemies by x%. /5
A4: Slag weapons are x% more likely to cause effects. /5
A5: NPCs that hit the holo-shield have x% chance to shoot Donny's most recent target for a few seconds. /5
A6: Shots blocked by the holo-shield have x% chance to bounce off as ammo packs. /1
A7: On-Kill: Teamwide ammo regen. /5
A8: Aura of x% damage resistance. /5
A9: This one is a little complicated. There is an imaginary aura around Donny. Players within this invisible aura earn shield of their own. Only Donny controls the orientation of these holo shields. Other players can still fire down the sights. /1
A12: Projectiles that hit the holo-shield deal no splash damage and have a chance to do no damage. /1
2nd tree: Rocinante
Basic idea: The rogue tree. Donny gets down and dirty with his opposition with incredible speed. Ideas for skills include increasing move speed while running, ability to attack while sprinting, exploding steps, running into the enemies.
B6: Footsteps deal explosive damage. The longer the player continues to move forward (direction he's facing,) the larger and more damaging the explosions become. Maxes out at a certain point. /1
B9: Deploys holographic coverings for the weapon currently equipped that resemble Medieval weaponry. Think juicing in Monday Night Combat. Each weapon type has a distinct medieval weapon going along with it. Rocket Launchers become lances, Sniper Rifles become rapiers. Et cetera. Because of this, melee damage is greatly improved while the Holo-Shield is deployed. Depending on weapon, other aspects of melee can change as well, like speed and range. /1
3rd tree: 'Tis only a flesh wound:
Basic idea: The tank tree. Donny, unlike other tanks from Borderlands, focuses on massive shields and even adding armor. Skills include converting portions of health to armor, increasing shield capacity, the ability to steal shield health from enemies.
C1: Increases Shield Capacity. /5
C2: -x% health + 2x% of health as armor. /5
C3: Regenerate health when shields are up. Regeneration increases as shields get lower. /5
C4: Getting hit while holo-shield is up adds x% (super low number) resistance to damage for a short time. Stacks. /5
C5: Melee'ing a shielded enemy returns x% of damage as shields. /5
C6: On Kill- Holoshield grows, slowly shrinks back to normal size. Stackable. /1
C7: Gain x health on second wind. /5
C8: Recharge Holo-Shield x% faster. /5
C9: Instead of the holo-shield actually going away, he just puts it on his back to recharge it. /1
C10: +x% Holo-Shield health. Prevents cracking. /2
Will be back to finish this feller up.