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Chevalier - new Defensive class

As of right now, none of the Borderlands 2 classes really fit my playstyle. If the Chevalier somehow made it into Borderlands 2...that'd be epic, and I'd finally have a class that I wouldn't have to fight to use.

Introducing Will
The Chevalier

Action Skill: Bulwark
Digistruct an indestructible (but see-through) tower shield in front of you for a time. Regular bullets and melee attacks that hit the shield do not damage you. When activated, you instantly regain 50% of your shields. While Bulwark is active, you can only hip-fire one weapon, and you take -10% reload speed and movement speed.
20 second duration
30 second cooldown

Skill Trees:
Format: Skill Name – Tier – Levels – Skill effect/bonuses

The Vanguard tree focuses on offense through defense. Its motto: “the best offense is a good defense.”

Clutch Leader – 1 – 5 – When you take damage, you gain a bonus to recoil reduction and weapon swap speed. This bonus increases when Bulwark is active. 5 second duration. Regular bonus: +4% (per level). Bulwark Bonus: +6% (per level).

Bella Serah – 1 – 5 – Increases your reload speed by 8% (per level).

99 Problems...but Ammo Ain't One – 2 – 5 – While Bulwark is active, your tower shield has a chance to absorb bullets that hit it. Your regular shield has a constant, but lesser chance to absorb ammo. Chance to Absorb: Tower Shield 10% (per level), regular shield 1% (per level)

Ne-on Cat – 2 – 5 – Bulwark duration: +2 seconds (per level).

Blades of Steel – 3 – 5 – Increases your movement speed and melee damage. These bonuses increase when Bulwark is active. Regular bonus: +3% movement speed and melee damage (per level). Bulwark bonus: +12% movement speed and melee damage (per level).

Mirror Shield – 3 – 1 – Enemies who hit you take damage. Enemies who hit you with melee attacks are dealt more damage than enemies who hit you with bullets or explosives. The damage dealt to an enemy is dependent upon your level and the amount of damage taken.

In the Middle of Some Calibrations – 3 – 5 – Increases the cooldown rate of your Bulwark ability by 5% (per level).

Keepin' It Stylish – 4 – 5 – Killing an enemy increases the time you can stay in Bulwark. Additional time: +0.6 seconds (per level)

See You Space Cowboy – 5 – 5 – Increases gun damage. This bonus increases when Bulwark is active. Regular bonus: +4% gun damage (per level). Bulwark bonus: +8% gun damage (per level).

Raising Heart – 6 – 1 – When an enemy hits your tower shield while Bulwark is active, your movement speed, reload speed, and gun damage increase by 2%. This power can stack up to 999 times, but ends when Bulwark ends.

The Knighthood tree focuses on defense, survival, and protecting one's allies. Its motto: “a shield protects.”

Indestructible – 1 – 5 – Increases your maximum health by 2% (per level) and shield capacity by 4% (per level).

Need Resistance Badly – 1 – 5 – You gain 2% adaptable resistance (per level). This resistance matches the last type of elemental damage you received.

Team Fortress – 2 – 5 – Increases your shield recharge rate and reduces your shield recharge delay. Nearby allies gain a reduced benefit from Team Fortress. Self bonus: +12% shield recharge rate (per level), -12% shield recharge delay (per level). Bonus to Allies: +4% shield recharge rate (per level), -4% shield recharge delay (per level).

I Got Better – 2 – 5 – Reduces the duration of status effects (Burned, Corroded, Electrocuted, and Slagged) by -8% (per level). Also mitigates the penalty of Bulwark: +2% reload speed and movement speed while in Bulwark (per level).

You Mad Bro? – 3 – 5 – Damaging an enemy causes you to take reduced damage and make it more likely that enemies will attack you for 5 seconds. Damage Resistance: +5% (per level). Increased Threat: +10% (per level).

Blast Shield – 3 – 1 – Elemental and Explosive attacks that hit your tower shield while Bulwark is active no longer damage you. You also permanently gain +10% explosive resistance.

You Get Knocked Down! – 3 – 5 – While in Fight For Your Life, you can hold F to stand up. A fixed amount of time is required to stand up. Stand up time: 7 seconds (additional levels decrease the time required by 1 second per level).

Philosorapture – 4 – 5 – You regenerate 0.4% (per level) of your total health per second when your shields aren't depleted.

I'm the Best! Around! – 4 – 1 – Damaging an enemy while in Fight For Your Life increases the amount of time you can stay in Fight For Your Life and increases the amount of health a Second Wind grants you.

Nick-Cola – 5 – 5 – When you take damage, you regenerate 0.6% (per level) of your total shields per second. This effect cannot stack multiple times. Nick-Cola lasts 5 seconds.

Double Dragon – 6 – 1 – Action Skill Augment. When Bulwark is activated, you gain full shields and taunt all nearby enemies. Once while Bulwark is active you can press F to receive these benefits again.


The Bulldozer tree focuses on pure offense. Its motto: “the shield is a weapon. Why not use it as one?”

Gunning It – 1 – 5 – Increases your Fire Rate by 4% (per level) and recoil reduction by 2% (per level).

Oh No You Didn't – 1 – 5 – Whenever your shield is depleted, your next melee attack does +40% damage (per level). This bonus goes away the next time your shield is fully replenished.

Witch Slap – 2 – 5 – Your melee attacks have a chance to cause slag. +20% chance to cause slag (per level).

G's Louise – 2 – 5 – Your shield being depleted causes an explosion, dealing Rank 1 explosive damage to all nearby enemies (per level).

Insane Train – 3 – 5 – Kill Skill: Whenever you kill an enemy, you gain +2% gun damage (per level) and gain +0.4 ammo regeneration (per level) for a few seconds. This ability can stack up to 5 times.

Monster Mash – 3 – 1 – Melee Override. Press V to digistruct a tower shield and shield bash an enemy with it. This melee attack is powerful, and after the attack you gain +30% gun damage for 10 seconds. 30 second cooldown. While Monster Mash is on cooldown, pressing V will result in a normal melee attack. Monster Mash cannot be used while in Bulwark.

The Master of Unloading – 3 – 5 – Whenever your magazine empties, there is a chance it is refilled without having to reload it. This skill does not grant you additional ammo. Magazine-fill chance: 5% (per level)

Doctor Whom – 4 – 5 – Increases your gun damage. Also gives your non-melee attacks a chance to cause slag. Gun damage increase: +3% (per level). Slag Chance: +1% (per level).

BULK SMASH – 4 – 1 – Melee Override. Hold V to digistruct a tower shield and throw it at an enemy. The shield damages any enemy it touches, and returns to you after it hits the enemy you threw it at. BULK SMASH grants you +30% gun damage for 10 seconds. 30 second cooldown. While BULK SMASH is on cooldown, holding V will result in a normal melee attack. BULK SMASH cannot be used while in Bulwark.

Feed-back, Seymour! – 5 – 5 – Shooting an enemy decreases the cooldown of Bulwark by 0.6 seconds (per level). The effect can only happen once every 3 seconds.

Ion Cannon – 6 – 1 – Action Skill Augment. While Bulwark is active, you can hold F to shoot a constant beam of energy to devastate your enemies. While Ion Cannon is being fired, the remaining duration of Bulwark rapidly decreases.

More information:

Will used to be the boss of a weapons manufacturer, but that company went broke when it stopped making guns in favor of swords, axes, and other melee weapons. On a completely unrelated note, Will absolutely loves the “old days” - as in, when people killed each other with swords and maces, rather than guns and grenades. He's set out on a journey (after his last job didn't go so well) to find a melee weapon so powerful/awesome that all guns will be rendered obsolete by it (and therefore everyone will ditch their guns and use melee weapons again). He hears about this Vault, full of treasure and mystery, and suspects that the perfect melee weapon he's been dreaming of just might be inside it.

Melee Weapon:
A digistructed mace. (It disappears after the attack is made.)

Class Mod:
A whetstone. (Higher quality/rarity class mods of his may have carved or engraved whetstones.)

Physical Appearance:
He's the tallest in the cast, but also somewhat slender (but not nearly as much as Zer0). The full-body armor he wears looks somewhere between a medieval plate of armor and a futuristic exoskeleton. (It's like he wanted to wear old-school plate armor, but then said “screw it” and went all futuristic with his armor. It's a mix between two worlds.) Of particular notice is the large gauntlet on his left hand – it houses his digistruction device, which he uses to create his tower shield (for his Bulwark ability), his mace (for his melee attack), and anything else he might need. (He's got a weird sense of honor though – he'll only digistruct medieval stuff, like shields and weapons; no guns, ammo, or grenade digistruction.) As for the appearance of his tower shield, it's similar to a modern day riot shield (but more futuristic, and made of pure energy). If you're familiar with the shield that the Battle Armor in EDF IA has, it's similar to that.

What He brings to the Table:
The Chevalier would be both a great solo and a great co-op class. With Knighthood, Will proves himself to be the best tank with multiple taunts, ways to increase his threat, and a huge tower shield to help him survive. With Vanguard, Will turns the idea of offense on its head – it's by having a huge shield out that you do more damage and move faster. Vanguard's mix of offense/defense would help nearly any party he'd join. With Bulldozer, Will focuses on doing pure damage, often at the cost of using his shield correctly. It's hard to go wrong adding a ton of DPS to any party. Ultimately, Will offers what no other playable Borderlands character truly can: a pure tanking class/spec, and the ability to fight face-to-face with Pandora's worst baddies and not die a horrible death for leaving cover for so long. (That's not counting being cloaked/being in another dimension.)

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