I posted this on Reddit last night and I figured that maybe I could get a couple of opinions over here as well.
I was wondering what the next class might be, and I realized that all the classes are really just futuristic versions of generic fantasy classes.
Axton the fighter, Maya the cleric, Salvador the barbarian, Zero the rogue and Gaige the necromancer.
So I figured, what is this party missing? ...a Bard...
Now, Dex is a more support class than any of the others. he control the battle field with a range of buffs and debuffs that he can deliver using his action skill, Nano Burst
Action skill- Nano Burst
Dex fires a cloud of nano bots in front of him in a wide area, Enemies take damage over time if they are in the cloud and for a few seconds after (this is non-elemental damage)
Each of the three trees has several skills that effect how Nano-burst works, but each in a different way.
Skill tree- "Look Left and Cough"- This is the Enemy debuff tree, the skills here have a more direct impact, altering the Nano-burst to effect your enemies in various and entertaining ways
-Adds corrosive damage to Nano-Burst
-The Nano bots will jam enemy guns occasionally if they are effected.
-Enemies who come into close proximity to an enemy effected by nano burst has a chance to have the swarm spread to him
-Each enemy killed will increase the size and the duration of the Nano swarm up to a size cap
-The Nano bot clouds explodes once it begins to dissipate. the bigger the cloud, the bigger the boom
-Nano bots take control over enemies they kill turning them into temporary allies and even more entertaining, suicide bombers
The Nano bot cloud also can be useful for you directly, these are smart little guys and with some tweaking they might keep you alive in a pinch,
Skill Tree- "Just a Little Prick": This is the more defense buff oriented tree. here there are skills for health, shields, but also for buffing allies and keeping everyone in the fight
-Increased health regen while nano burst is on cooldown
-Deals spike damage to melee enemies
-The cloud will increase the amount of time you or an ally can be in FFYL
-Heal allies who walk through the nano bot cloud
-If Nanoburst in ready and you enter FFYL the nano bots create a cloud shaped like yourself and allow you to continue fighting like normal. if you get a kill you get up just like before, but the nano bots aren't nearly as tough as you are so they only have half the shields and 1/4 the health but all of your abilities.
Now the best part about these nano bots is that they can work together to accomplish impressive things, and to be honest some of them can be pretty offensive.
Skill tree "Non-Biological Warfare": now this one is for the gun runners out there. this is all about offense, skills that make you and your friends into killing machines... with tiny little killing machines by your side.
-The Nano Burst swarm will slag enemies
-The Nano Burst will regen ammo while they are not on cool down
-The Nano bots will coat your bullets in themselves turning them into explosive rounds
-If you walk through the nano cloud you gain increased accuracy and recoil reduction
-Activating nano burst a second time while active will cause the swarm to attach to your weapon drastically improving it's stats and giving an enemy you kill with it to have a chance to drop a MIRV grenade, whose effects differ depending on the type of gun your using.
So there you have it, a large area support class based (loosely) on the bard. Personally I think that he could be pretty fun.
Let me know what you guys think, any constructive criticism would be appreciated.
I was wondering what the next class might be, and I realized that all the classes are really just futuristic versions of generic fantasy classes.
Axton the fighter, Maya the cleric, Salvador the barbarian, Zero the rogue and Gaige the necromancer.
So I figured, what is this party missing? ...a Bard...
Now, Dex is a more support class than any of the others. he control the battle field with a range of buffs and debuffs that he can deliver using his action skill, Nano Burst
Action skill- Nano Burst
Dex fires a cloud of nano bots in front of him in a wide area, Enemies take damage over time if they are in the cloud and for a few seconds after (this is non-elemental damage)
Each of the three trees has several skills that effect how Nano-burst works, but each in a different way.
Skill tree- "Look Left and Cough"- This is the Enemy debuff tree, the skills here have a more direct impact, altering the Nano-burst to effect your enemies in various and entertaining ways
-Adds corrosive damage to Nano-Burst
-The Nano bots will jam enemy guns occasionally if they are effected.
-Enemies who come into close proximity to an enemy effected by nano burst has a chance to have the swarm spread to him
-Each enemy killed will increase the size and the duration of the Nano swarm up to a size cap
-The Nano bot clouds explodes once it begins to dissipate. the bigger the cloud, the bigger the boom
-Nano bots take control over enemies they kill turning them into temporary allies and even more entertaining, suicide bombers
The Nano bot cloud also can be useful for you directly, these are smart little guys and with some tweaking they might keep you alive in a pinch,
Skill Tree- "Just a Little Prick": This is the more defense buff oriented tree. here there are skills for health, shields, but also for buffing allies and keeping everyone in the fight
-Increased health regen while nano burst is on cooldown
-Deals spike damage to melee enemies
-The cloud will increase the amount of time you or an ally can be in FFYL
-Heal allies who walk through the nano bot cloud
-If Nanoburst in ready and you enter FFYL the nano bots create a cloud shaped like yourself and allow you to continue fighting like normal. if you get a kill you get up just like before, but the nano bots aren't nearly as tough as you are so they only have half the shields and 1/4 the health but all of your abilities.
Now the best part about these nano bots is that they can work together to accomplish impressive things, and to be honest some of them can be pretty offensive.
Skill tree "Non-Biological Warfare": now this one is for the gun runners out there. this is all about offense, skills that make you and your friends into killing machines... with tiny little killing machines by your side.
-The Nano Burst swarm will slag enemies
-The Nano Burst will regen ammo while they are not on cool down
-The Nano bots will coat your bullets in themselves turning them into explosive rounds
-If you walk through the nano cloud you gain increased accuracy and recoil reduction
-Activating nano burst a second time while active will cause the swarm to attach to your weapon drastically improving it's stats and giving an enemy you kill with it to have a chance to drop a MIRV grenade, whose effects differ depending on the type of gun your using.
So there you have it, a large area support class based (loosely) on the bard. Personally I think that he could be pretty fun.
Let me know what you guys think, any constructive criticism would be appreciated.