I think this would be a good thing to have something to pick up the loot you dont want to pick up. A little claptrap pet or something to make it easier to deal with white green or blue loot you just dont have room for or dont want to pick up. It could be something sold in a 5 dollar dlc, something you throw in a relic slot. When your done looting you could put on your relic and your claptrap comes out picks up the loot you cant carry and turns it into a % value of the coins you would have got from the vendor with a small % chance to drop out a legendary item. I dont really know how hard that would be to work in but it seems like it woul;d be a handy little idea to toss around. It would help the players out not having to vendor every single thing or lose out on the white items that dropped from tera or warrior that you could have sold for some coins.