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Belts : The Entrepreneurial Demi-god of Protection! (Character Concept and Sketch)

Name - Belts (Birth Name : Creon O'Sullivan)

Race - Human

Age (Years) - 31
Class - Human Shield
Height - 5’11
Weight - 221

Appearance - Scar on lower lip, dark brown eyes, bald, grey/black beard, black-eye on right eye
Home Planet/Station - Hermes VI

Clothing - Hybrid of a Nomad’s and Silent Bob’s Clothes

Weapons - E-Tech Weapons, Rocket Launchers, P.R.O.T.E.S (or Pangolin Radical Offensive Thermonuclear Energy Shielding)
Class Equipment - P.R.O.T.E.S Belt Buckle (Increases Shields, Health, E-Tech Weapons Damage/Reload Speed, etc.)

_Three trees : Entrepreneur (E), Protector (P), Demi-god (DG)_

> P.R.O.T.E.S < = Shielding unit that makes the user invincible for ten seconds, but then completely drains their shields for ten seconds without recharge.

> Raygunomics = Cheaper to fire E-Tech guns and they are more powerful. (E1)

> Thunderer = Fires thunderbolts at enemies in a certain radius. (DG1)

> Rocket-fella = Rocket Ammo is cheaper. (E2)

> Cash Cow = Buy items cheaper, sell items for more. (E3)

> Dark Dealer = Items in the Black Market are cheaper. (E4)

> Haters Never Hate = Some enemies see you as friendly and will not attack unless provoked or an unaffected enemy attacks. (E5)

> Big Bang Boom = Causes Explosive Spike damaged when enemies melee you while using the P.R.O.T.E.S. (P1)

> Battlefield Stimulus Package = Dick cannon, nuff said. (DG2)

> ‘Merica! = Increases your shield capacity and gives funny dialogue. (P2)

> Death Without Taxes! = Cheaper to respawn. (E6)

> Troll-Toll = Inflicts damage on enemy that killed you when you die. (E7)

> Turtle Soup = Turtle Shield take away less health. (P3)

> Anonymous Donation = Insert/pay some enemies attacking you to make them allies. (E8)

> Good Guy Marxist = Gives allies more cash/eridium when you pick-up loot. (E9)

> Make It Rain! = Money fires out of enemies necks/critical-hit spots after getting a critical-hit kill. (E10)

> Hercules = Increases melee damage at the reduction of speed. Cooler melee. (DG3)

> Additional Pylons = Shield Boosters have a chance of spawning when damaged. (P4)

> Big Boned = Increase health in exchange for gun damage. (DG4)

> Firewall = Fire Explosions damage enemies in certain radius. (P5)

> Hazard Lights = Tubes begin strobing brightly and turns attention to Belts. (P6)

> Demo-man = Explosive Guns do more damage, but less ammo is reserved. (DG5)

> Invincibru! = P.R.O.T.E.S time is increased but shields recharge slower. (P7)

> Salesmen Never Die = Prolongs Fight for your Life Time if you hold an E-Tech Weapon. (E11)

> Holy Sacrifice = When Belts dies, all allies get shield and health regeneration. (DG6)

> Bubble Boy = P.R.O.T.E.S expands into a large bubble that defends user and allies from ranged attacks. Enemies may pass through and melee, and not only shields are drain afterwards, but half of the Belt’s heath is drained (P8)

Play Style - Crowd Control, Distraction, Bullet Sponge, Tank.

Current Affiliation - Vault Hunter
Ex-Affiliations - Pangolin

Biography - Born and raised on Hermes VI, the Vault Hunter known as Belts, (formal known as Creon O'Sullivan,) was a raising star salesmen for the equipment and shielding tech company known only as Pangolin. Belts knew his way through the mercantile world and know the ins and outs or business while occasionally playing with the shield tech Pangolin gave out to it’s employees. To Belts’ surprise, the young thirty-one year old employee was laid-off from the company due to Hyperion’s weapon and shielding monopoly. Belts became enraged with his employer, stating a case about how he was the most superior salesmen in the company and how he had used his own personal time to benefit the company. Despite his rage induced passion for his work, the salesmen was still laid-off with no benefits or aid. Broke and desperate, Belts began studying ‘get rich quick‘ schemes and found a blog talking about the a border-world known as Pandora and wealth-filled ‘Vaults’ laid dormant somewhere in the planet. With nothing left to his name, Belts returned to his former office, stole a million dollar blue-print for an experimental shield, studied up on using weapons and weapons, built the P.R.O.T.E.S belt, and found a shuttle willing to take him to Pandora.

*note: this is a concept drawing, and not the final design.

(In all honesty, this character is not completely finished and needs some tweaking. I'm posting all of this here because I'd like to get the communities opinion. I'd rather have a half-completed concept shot down rather then a completely done project. Also, power upgrade ideas would be incredibly appreciated. Please, everyone's opinion is valid so tell me what you all think. Thank you very much!)

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