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New class idea: wereskag

Good morning everyone, I hope that Sandy hasn't been too unkind to you and yours thus far. Yesterday, while the power was out at work, I had time to develop an idea for another DLC class, based on the wereskags from the dlc in the first game. Anyways, after sharing the idea with some of the users over at GameFAQs, they encouraged me to share it here. Any thoughts and opinions would be more than welcome!

Action Skill: Transform
User transforms into a Wereskag for 30 seconds. While transformed, user deals 300% melee damage, gains 50% movement speed increase, and takes 20% damage reduction. Additionally, transforming sheds any status effects currently affecting user. 60 second cooldown.

Tier 1
Seasons in the Abyss: decreases cooldown on transform (5/10/15/20/25%)
Runnin' with the Devil: increases movement speed while transformed (7/14/21/28/35%)
Tier 2
Holy Diver: increases max health and shield capacity while transformed (2/4/6/8/10% health, 3/6/9/12/15% shields)
Madhouse: increases weapon swap speed and reload speed (6/12/18/24/30%)
Tier 3
Wrathchild: melee attacks reduce cooldown (3/6/9/12/15%)
When Darkness Falls: transforming at night adds 50% duration to transform
Painkiller: decreases damage taken in transform (3/6/9/12/15%)
Tier 4
Ace of Spades: regenerate ammo for all weapon types while transformed (2/4/6/8/10% of max capacity)
Harvester of Sorrow: melee override - bite attack that returns 25% of damage done as health
Tier 5
Symphony of Destruction: increased critical hit damage while transformed (20/40/60/80/100%)
Tier 6
Killed By Death: killing an enemy while transformed increases the damage done while transformed by 10% (stacks)

Tier 1
I'm the Man: increases gun damage (5/10/15/20/25%)
Fear of the Dark: increased chance to slag enemies (10/20/30/40/50%)
Tier 2
Fade to Black: slag duration on enemies increased (5/10/15/20/25%)
Critical Acclaim: increased critical hit damage (10/20/30/40/50%)
Tier 3
Welcome to the Family: shooting an enemy decreases the cooldown on transform (3/6/9/12/15%)
Spirit Crusher: transforming creates a slag nova around user
Souls of Black: killing slagged enemies regenerates shields of shooter (4/8/12/16/20%)
Tier 4
Black Label: melee attacks can slag, higher chance while transformed (3/6/9/12/15%, 6/12/18/24/30%)
Heaven & Hell: killing multiple enemies with a grenade regenerates that grenade
Tier 5
Pandemonic Hyperblast: explosive damage has a chance to slag (5/10/15/20/25%)
Tier 6
Rainbow in the Dark: slagging an enemy also applies another random DoT

Full Moon
Tier 1
Indestructible: increased shield capacity (4/8/12/16/20%)
War Pigs: increased gun accuracy and team scope speed (3/6/9/12/15% accuracy, 5/10/15/20/25% scope speed)
Tier 2
No More Tears: decreased status effect duration (5/10/15/20/25%)
Angel of Death: taking damage reduces recoil, increases fire rate and gun damage (2/4/6/8/10% all)
Tier 3
Bark at the Moon: kills at night regenerate team health (3/6/9/12/15%)
Tornado of Souls: melee override in transform creates cone of shock and explosive damage; shock damage is not affected by cover
Balls to the Wall: increases shield recharge rate and lowers shield recharge delay at low health (up to 5/10/15/20/25%)
Tier 4
Destruction Preventer: being killed while transformed increases FFYL time, and user revives fallen allies more quickly while transformed (10/20/30/40/50%)
Tier 5
Drag the Waters: chance to reflect bullets while transformed. Reflected bullets either damage enemies or heal allies (6/12/18/24/30% damage increase, heals 1/2/3/4/5% health)
Tier 6
Hell Patrol: transforming can instantly revive allies and creates healing aura around user (50% revive chance, 20% of health revived over duration)

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