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Class Concept - Rye The Brewer - WIP - Input Welcome!

So I made this because reasons and because I thought it would be fun. Will add background/more skills/personality/aesthetics etc. if interest arises.

Would love any ideas at all to change or add to this character, not attached to anything, I just want to play as a character that uses alcoholic beverages as a mechanic. Like it and wanted expanded on, leave a comment, hate it and want it rebuilt, leave a comment, as long as it's constructive. Thank you.

Or something bloody ridiculous like that (credit - Dozen13)

Name: Rye
Class: Brewer
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Affiliations: Booze
Melee Weapon: Fist/Bottle
COMs: Bottle hanging from his belt.
Gait: Wobbly

Action Skill: Rye holsters his guns and takes out a Molotov Cocktail in one hand, which can be used as a melee weapon by pressing [Fire] (it will explode if it hits an enemy), or thrown by holding down [Aim] and pressing [Fire], and an identical bottle without the flaming cloth in the other hand, which can be drunk by holding [AS]. Molotov Cocktails deal melee damage (thrown or swung), and explode on impact with any surface, dealing bonus elemental and explosive damage, and exploding into flame (as Molotov Cocktails do) and globs of fire (which act as you might think Greek Fire does). Any enemies caught within the explosion or by any glob of fire will be lit aflame. Missed Cocktails will leave large patches of flame on the ground or wherever it exploded, that last until no enemies are engaged, enemies that walk into these patches will be lit aflame. Flaming enemies will spread flame patches across the terrain as they move about. Once an enemy is aflame, the fire will spread across and engulf their whole body, and won’t go out until the enemy is dead, or is a special enemy. It deals damage equal to [22 x 1.15Level/Sec]. This cannot be stacked, but hitting an already afflicted enemy will increase the base value (22) by 1. You are immune to these flames, coming into contact with them will instead give you a regular incendiary DOT. The flames can function in a no-oxygen environment.
Drinking the bottle in your off hand restores full health instantly and gives you 16.5% damage mitigation for 3.5 secs, however you are also applied with a Groggy effect for 3.5 secs. You can do this as many times and as often as you want. Once you drink the bottle, you automatically throw it towards the nearest enemy, dealing melee damage.
You have a chance to apply the Groggy effect to enemies by hitting them with a bottle (9% chance), or with a bullet (2.5% chance).
Duration: 20
Cooldown: 60
+300% melee damage
+50% Jump Height
+50% Movement Speed


Mechanic: Grogginess: Upon drinking a bottle of Grog you will receive a Groggy effect. The base duration for this is 3.5 seconds. While Groggy there are a variety of symptoms which can occur anywhere from shifting one at a time, to all at once: shifting FOV, wobbly screen, random blurry/fuzzy objects, tunnel vision, iffy depth perception, and seeing double.
- Maybe some other stuff, or none of it, IDK. The point is to make it difficult to play, but for it to become just as easy as normal play through experience and diligence -
While Groggy you have -50% weapon swap speed and reload speed.
An enemies Groggy state can last a random amount between 3 and 15 seconds. Groggy enemies have -15% accuracy, -50% reload speed, randomly burp and hiccup causing them to stop shooting momentarily, and have an awkward time moving around.


Left Tree: Brewmaster
Focus: Grog Augmentation/Status Effect
Tiers: Descending

Grog Nozzle: Increases the total chance to make enemies Groggy when shot. 5/5 = +5% chance to make enemies Groggy.

Bar Brawl: Groggy enemies now have a chance to begin fighting with each other. If an enemy attack is close enough to a Groggy enemy, the Groggy one has a chance to begin fighting the other. 5/5 = 33% chance for Groggy enemies to engage each other.

Irish Flu: After the Groggy effect has worn off, enemies have a chance to flinch, and are sluggish. 5/5 = 33% chance to flinch when shot/meleed, -33% movement speed.

Charged With Electrolytes:
Drinking Grog restores shields, and recharges a small amount every second for a short time. 5/5 = Restores 50% of shields, 5% shields recharge/half second for 3.5 seconds.

Spread the Love: Increases the chance to make enemies Groggy; Cocktails now have a 25% chance of making enemies Groggy, and the total chance through bullets is doubled. 1/1 Skill.

Dependency Tolerance: Decreases and debuffs the symptoms of Grogginess. The longer the interval before becoming Groggy again, the more effective this is. 1/1 = "I've never been that drunk"

Blacked-Out, But Not Down: FFYL replaced. Right before you go down, you drink a bottle of Grog. You can walk at a very wobbly, reduced speed, and can fire your guns. You have -15% reduced fire rate, and -50% reduced reload speed and weapon swap speed (adding to the debuffs experienced while Groggy). If you try to throw a grenade, you will hold it until it's fuse time runs out, and it will explode in your hand, damaging enemies withing range (this, of course, detracts time from your FFYL timer). You remain Groggy for the duration, and all nearby enemies will become Groggy as well. 1/1 = "I was born coming for you!"

With a Hint of Blood: Kill Skill. Killing an enemy intensifies all possible effects caused by Grog, no matter who they affect, or if they are positive or negative. Gives you a brief weapons boost against enemies of the type you killed. 5/5 +25% increase to all effects caused by Grog. +15% weapons damage boost.

Keep the Party Going: Every Groggy and flaming enemy adds time to your AS duration every second. The amount of time is doubled if the enemy is both Groggy and flaming. 5/5 = 0.2 seconds/sec.

Water of Life: You can revive fallen allies using Grog, allies revived this way become Groggy. Throwing a Cocktail on an ally will give them a percentage of the buffs drinking it would have given you. 5/5 = 100% faster than regular revive, ally Groggy for 3.5 seconds, +33% damage mitigation upon revive. 33% of buffs when thrown on an ally, Groggy for 3.5 seconds.

Social High: Increases damage for every Groggy enemy. 5/5 = +7.5% critical and weapons damage/Groggy enemy.

Problem Drinkers: Groggy enemies now specifically target you, and will advance towards you. Increases the chance for enemies to become Groggy again for every successive time they have been Groggy. Every successive time an enemy is inebriated, their debuffs are increases and they are more likely to be drunk longer. 5/5 = Enemies 100% more likely to become Groggy again for each successive time. Debuffs increased 100% each time. Enemies are 100% more likely to start a fight with each other, and their Groggy state is 100% more likely to last longer, each successive time.

Capstone: It's All On Tap: Action Skill Augmentation. When your Action Skill is active, you have a choice between 4 different elemental Grogs, which can be switched between as with guns. Each one has a differently colored elemental flame: Grog (Normal Cocktail.), which is Bandit manufactured and effective against flesh, and has an orange flame; Vodka, which is Vladof manufactured, and effective against shields, and has a cyan flame; Absinthe, which is Maliwan manufactured and effective against armor, and has a green flame, and Vodka on the Rocks, which is Vladof manufactured, and substitutes a DOT effect for freezing enemies over time. Drinking Grog gives you multiplied melee and gun damage (x33%), drinking Vodka gives you multiplied movement speed and fire rate (x33%), Drinking Absinthe gives you multiplied elemental and DOT damage (x33%), and drinking Vodka on the Rocks gives you multiplied critical damage (x33%). These bonuses are multiplicative, not additive, and last as long as you are Groggy from that drink. 1/1 = “Drinks all around!”


Middle Tree: Moxie
Focus: Drunken Abilities
Tiers: Descending

Numbed to the Bone:
Increases maximum health. Increases resistance to all types of damage while Groggy. 5/5 = +50% max health. +16.5% damage mitigation while Groggy.

Try ‘N Hit Me Again!: Taking damage increases the power of your very next melee strike or gunshot. Additional boosts are applied when the damage is directly to your health, and when you are Groggy. 5/5 = +100% damage to your very next attack, +100% more if damage is taken to health, +100% more if you are Groggy. This can only occur every ~1-2.5 seconds; boosts do not apply to Rocket Launchers.

Don’t Hold Me Back!: Increases melee damage. After meleeing an enemy, all of your shots and melee strikes deal bonus explosive damage for a short time, the closer you are to an enemy, the more damage it does. Bonuses are intensified while Groggy. 5/5 +100% melee damage, up to 33% weapon damage as explosive damage. Boosts doubled while Groggy.

It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere:While your Action Skill is on cooldown, you can press the [AS] button to drink a bottle of Grog, with the same effects as when your Action Skill is active. If you are invested into It’s All On Tap, you can switch between Grogs during the animation. 15 second cooldown. 1/1 = “Pour me somethin’ tall an’ strong!”

Tough Stuff: Increases the amount of time you are Groggy after drinking by 3.5 seconds. If you are invested into It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere, the cooldown of that skill is halved. 1/1 = “It stings the eyes”

Next Round’s On Me!: Increases Action Skill cooldown rate while Groggy. 5/5 = +250% Action Skill cooldown rate while Groggy.

Wasted Talent: Increases accuracy and critical damage. These bonuses are intensified while Groggy. 5/5 = +25% accuracy and critical damage, +35% hip-fire accuracy. +125% total accuracy and critical damage while Groggy, +135% total hip-fire accuracy while Groggy.

Pow! Right in the Kisser!: Kill Skill. Killing an enemy grants increased critical damage, and gives your melee strikes and bullets a knockback effect. The knockback effect is only applied to bullets if they score a critical hit, and it is small. 5/5 = +50% critical damage, Level 5 knockback effect.

Drunken Guns: While Groggy you have a chance to regenerate the last bullet(s) you shot. 5/5 = 100% chance.

Crack Shot: Kill Skill. Upon killing an enemy the killing bullet has a chance to ricochet off toward a nearby enemy, dealing any overkill damage. This can be chained unlimited times, and all overkill damage will be retained. The chance is increased while Groggy. 5/5 = 50% chance for bullet to ricochet, 75% chance while Groggy.

Did I Fire 5 Shots, Or 6?: While Groggy you have a chance to fire up to 5 extra bullets for free per shot. The amount of bullets is random, and they travel in a semi-tight bunch around the original bullet. This does not work for Rocket Launchers. 5/5 = 100% to fire extra shots while Groggy.

Break the Habit: For every 1.25 seconds you are sober, you gain a stack of Break the Habit. Every stack increases your accuracy and gives you a chance to absorb bullets. All stacks are lost upon drinking Grog. Upon drinking Grog you release a nova consisting of all the bullets you absorbed, doubled, which have a 100% chance to make enemies Groggy. Upon drinking Grog you also create a singularity, the damage, radius, and pulling power of which is directly proportional to the amount of stacks you have. Max 100 stacks. Stacks will also reset upon entering FFYL, or leaving the map. Stacks will not begin to generate until you have had at least one drink of Grog and taken damage inside your current map. 5/5 = Accuracy +1% per stack, bullet absorb chance 0.9% per stack. Nova damage/radius/power +5% per stack.

Capstone: Bum Rush: Melee Override Skill. While Groggy press the [Melee] button to swiftly dash toward your target, dealing massive damage and knockback, and releasing an explosive nova on impact. The explosive nova deals massive elemental damage and knocks back any enemies within its radius. Killing an enemy with this skill will reset the timer on the Groggy effect without taking a drink of Grog. Hitting an enemy with this skill will cause you to drop 2 free grenades; none of these grenades will explode until you sober up. This skill has no cooldown whatsoever, even less than execute. 1/1 = “U WOT M8!?”


Right Tree: Fire Enthusiast (skills in this tree effect the AS flame, not the incendiary element, unless specified)
Focus: Melting Faces/Stacks
Tiers: Descending

The Light in My Eyes: For every enemy aflame you gain 1 stack of Hellfire every second they are on fire. Hellfire stacks give a percentage of burn damage back as health, and increase your burn damage/sec. 5/5 = 0.075% of burn damage back as health, +0.5% elemental damage per stack. Max: 50 stacks. Stacks decay when there are no enemies aflame at the same rate they were gained.

Walking On Coals:
Standing on flaming terrain increases your damage resistance, weapons damage, and fire rate. Increases resistance to all incendiary damage. 5/5 = +15% damage mitigation, weapons damage, and fire rate when standing on flaming terrain. +50% damage mitigation to incendiary damage.

Warning: Flammable: Now there is a chance for Groggy enemies to be lit aflame when they would instead be applied with an incendiary DOT. An enemy that has already been applied with an incendiary DOT is immune to this skill. Allows regular incendiary DOTs to be applied in a no oxygen environment. 5/5 = 50% chance.

Tender, Melting Flesh: Each stack of Hellfire gives you more weapons damage against flaming enemies. At 30 or more stacks your bullets will penetrate through flaming enemies. 5/5 = +0.8% weapons damage per Hellfire stack against flaming enemies.

Dragons Brew: Melee Override Skill. Press [Melee] + [AS] simultaneously to take a quick drink of Grog, hold out a match, and blow a cone of flames in front of you, lighting any enemies caught in the blast aflame. Cooldown of 10 seconds. 1/1 = “It burns coming back up”

Light a Fire Under Your Ass: While your Action Skill is active, throwing a Cocktail underneath you while jumping will launch you up into the air for massive air time. You can keep yourself airborne by throwing more Cocktails beneath you. While airborne you can hold crouch to do a buttslam, which lights any enemies caught within aflame. 1/1 = “Somebody hold my beer!”

Smells Like… Victory: For every second enemies are continuously aflame, the more effective Hellfire stacks are. Max 100%. Completely resets when there are no more enemies aflame. Increases maximum Hellfire stacks. 5/5 = +1% Hellfire effectiveness per second. Hellfire max stacks increased to 100.

Fire It Up: Increases fire rate and movement speed for every enemy aflame and every stack of Hellfire. 5/5 = +5% movement speed and fire rate for every flaming enemy, +0.35% for every stack of Hellfire.

Human Oven: Every enemy aflame and every stack of Hellfire increases burn damage dealt to flaming enemies. 5/5 +5% burn damage for every flaming enemy, +0.5% for every stack of Hellfire.

Under Pressure:
Cocktails now explode into shrapnel. Shrapnel pieces deal a percentage of melee damage, but technically count as both bullets and melee strikes. Every skill point increases the amount of shrapnel and the damage they deal. 5/5 = 75% of melee damage dealt, Level 5 shrapnel cloud.

Fire and Brimstone:
When Cocktails explode, they create a cloud of corrosive gas above them, which deals corrosive damage to any enemies inside of it. These clouds will seek out the nearest enemy. These clouds are flammable, and are lit aflame the moment they are created. They will rain globs of flame down upon the terrain and any enemies in their path as they travel.These clouds will last until they are entirely devoured by the flame; the time this takes depends on the size of the cloud (at 5/5, it’s 5 seconds). Throwing a Cocktail into a cloud, or shooting one with an incendiary weapon, will cause it to explode in flames, dealing massive elemental damage and lighting any nearby enemies aflame. The size of the explosion is dependant on the size of the cloud, and what caused it to explode (at 5 skill points it is 100% the size of a Cocktail explosion, if you threw a Cocktail into it, the explosion is 200% the size of the aforementioned). Any player can explode a cloud. 5/5 = Level 5 corrosive damage, +100% initial cloud size.

Capstone: Totally Spontaneous Combustion:
Groggy enemies that are killed by a Cocktail or by flames now explode into flames, dealing massive elemental damage and explosive damage, and lighting any enemies caught in the blast aflame. Enemies impacted by the explosion have a 50% chance of becoming drunk. If you are invested into It’s All On Tap, then the element of the explosion will match that by which it was caused. Badass enemies, giants, and mini-bosses will combust into an explosion that’s +100% the size. Additionally, the explosion will increase in size by 50% for every extra time the enemy has been Groggy (max 250%). The size and damage of the explosion is increased by 1% for every stack of Hellfire. Enemies killed by this will themselves combust. 1/1 = PHWOOOM!


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