I quickly put together this wallpaper just for fun and personal use, but I figured, what the hell, why not share it? Resolution is 1680x1050:
Borderlands 2 Wallpaper by Gut0nez
Originally it was supposed to be an Xbox 360 dashboard background with Claptrap standing right behind the launch/eject buttons, but I forgot about the stupid grey shade at the bottom foreground of the screen so it didn't work. I've removed Claptrap from it and now it kinda works. Here are the original and reworked versions of the background if anyone is interested (1920x1080 resolution):
Borderlands 2 Xbox 360 Dashboard BG 1 by Gut0nez
Borderlands 2 Xbox 360 Dashboard BG 2 by Gut0nez
Borderlands 2 Wallpaper by Gut0nez
Originally it was supposed to be an Xbox 360 dashboard background with Claptrap standing right behind the launch/eject buttons, but I forgot about the stupid grey shade at the bottom foreground of the screen so it didn't work. I've removed Claptrap from it and now it kinda works. Here are the original and reworked versions of the background if anyone is interested (1920x1080 resolution):
Borderlands 2 Xbox 360 Dashboard BG 1 by Gut0nez
Borderlands 2 Xbox 360 Dashboard BG 2 by Gut0nez