Dear Maya:
It is such a joy to finally hear from you! I believe that I speak for all of the brothers, when I express my relief in knowing that you have arrived safely at your destination on Pandora. It sounds as though the voyage was uneventful, though your new friend (Krieg, I believe, is his name?) sounds quite interesting.
Athenas has not been the same since your departure. Sophis's death has left the Order without a figure of authority; we are without a spiritual leader, and there seems no consensus on who shall replace him.
The people already seem restless, though they can hardly be blamed. The last several days have been difficult for us all. Many of them openly express to us that they miss you, and they fear for our shared future without you here to protect us.
We, your brothers of the Order, also miss you terribly. It is a worldly thing to feel this way, I admit, but I, like many of the other brothers here, have long thought of you as a sister. So many of us are orphans, after all. All the family that we've had is each other, and now we are one fewer.
I hope you are not offended that I will not take this opportunity to beg your return to Athenas, however. I understand, as much as any of us can, that you simply must have your answers. Those answers seemingly cannot be found on Athenas, in spite of our many and vast libraries. I would not stop you seeking your answers abroad, even if I could.
Know this: your brothers here on Athenas keep your memory alive in our hearts and memories. We pray for your safety, and for your success, at every opportunity. And we will always keep a place for you here, should you ever choose to return to Athenas and to the Order of the Impending Storm.
In Brotherly Love and Faith,
It is such a joy to finally hear from you! I believe that I speak for all of the brothers, when I express my relief in knowing that you have arrived safely at your destination on Pandora. It sounds as though the voyage was uneventful, though your new friend (Krieg, I believe, is his name?) sounds quite interesting.
Athenas has not been the same since your departure. Sophis's death has left the Order without a figure of authority; we are without a spiritual leader, and there seems no consensus on who shall replace him.
The people already seem restless, though they can hardly be blamed. The last several days have been difficult for us all. Many of them openly express to us that they miss you, and they fear for our shared future without you here to protect us.
We, your brothers of the Order, also miss you terribly. It is a worldly thing to feel this way, I admit, but I, like many of the other brothers here, have long thought of you as a sister. So many of us are orphans, after all. All the family that we've had is each other, and now we are one fewer.
I hope you are not offended that I will not take this opportunity to beg your return to Athenas, however. I understand, as much as any of us can, that you simply must have your answers. Those answers seemingly cannot be found on Athenas, in spite of our many and vast libraries. I would not stop you seeking your answers abroad, even if I could.
Know this: your brothers here on Athenas keep your memory alive in our hearts and memories. We pray for your safety, and for your success, at every opportunity. And we will always keep a place for you here, should you ever choose to return to Athenas and to the Order of the Impending Storm.
In Brotherly Love and Faith,