This seemed like the most appropriate place to post this, but let me know if it's not.
The concept is simple. Make however many unique items you want, complete with their red text. Then give your opinion on the item above you. You can comment on whatever you want whenever, but you must comment on the above poster's creation. Those who ignore this will be fed to the skags.
For obvious reasons, I'll start.
Warp Eleven (E-Tech Grenade Mod)
They can't take this for long!
Description: Produced by Hyperion. Always Longbow and always Explosive. Once in the proximity of an enemy, the grenade stops moving and levitates for a few seconds. During these 5 seconds, explosive blasts periodically come out, pushing back smaller foes and damaging them. Once the duration is over, one final blast is released, dealing most of the damage.
YAR (Legendary Assault Rifle)
As inconspicuous as it gets...
Description: Produced by Hyperion. Medium beginning recoil and fire rate, average 30 magazine size. Sustained fire reduces recoil and fire rate. Extreme critical hit bonus. Unique scope that provides decent zoom that always must be on the weapon. Can be normal or can carry any element besides explosive. Talks in a paranoid robotic voice. Suffers from abandonment issues and feels lonely because Hyperion doesn't produce assault rifles.
Mind Reader (Legendary Pistol)
Like an open skull.
Description: Produced by Jakobs. Low damage, high recoil, low fire rate. Always incendiary. Ignores shields on critical hit. Extreme critical hit bonus when hitting the head. (only applies to humanoid enemies) If it hits a non-human biological enemy critically, burning is guaranteed. High burn damage over time.
The concept is simple. Make however many unique items you want, complete with their red text. Then give your opinion on the item above you. You can comment on whatever you want whenever, but you must comment on the above poster's creation. Those who ignore this will be fed to the skags.
Originally Posted by Person A
The Bee (Legendary Shield)
Float like a butterfly... Description: Produced by Hyperion. High Amp Damage, 0 Amp Drain, Long Recharge Delay and Low Capacity, High Recharge Rate |
Originally Posted by Person B
*my item*
It's sure an interesting idea to have a no drain amp shield which would reward positioning yourself well and would be excellent for semi auto sniping. But I think it is broken as the amp damage should be low as it works differently from the other Amp shields which need to recharge. 8/10 |
Warp Eleven (E-Tech Grenade Mod)
They can't take this for long!
Description: Produced by Hyperion. Always Longbow and always Explosive. Once in the proximity of an enemy, the grenade stops moving and levitates for a few seconds. During these 5 seconds, explosive blasts periodically come out, pushing back smaller foes and damaging them. Once the duration is over, one final blast is released, dealing most of the damage.
YAR (Legendary Assault Rifle)
As inconspicuous as it gets...
Description: Produced by Hyperion. Medium beginning recoil and fire rate, average 30 magazine size. Sustained fire reduces recoil and fire rate. Extreme critical hit bonus. Unique scope that provides decent zoom that always must be on the weapon. Can be normal or can carry any element besides explosive. Talks in a paranoid robotic voice. Suffers from abandonment issues and feels lonely because Hyperion doesn't produce assault rifles.
Mind Reader (Legendary Pistol)
Like an open skull.
Description: Produced by Jakobs. Low damage, high recoil, low fire rate. Always incendiary. Ignores shields on critical hit. Extreme critical hit bonus when hitting the head. (only applies to humanoid enemies) If it hits a non-human biological enemy critically, burning is guaranteed. High burn damage over time.