So my first character idea, Ryan the Siren, is not a natural Siren. He has been classified as one due to his ability, called Phasedrift. I need some more time to come up with a decent backstory XD
Here's a description:
Ryan the Siren
Action Skill: Phasedrift
Action Skill description: Ryan forms a mystic blue/purple orb in his palm and crushes it, releasing the energy trapped inside. The energy spreads to his hands and feet, allowing him to Drift. Drifting allows him to, with the press of the melee button, quickly shoot himself towards the location of the reticle. Hitting an enemy will deal 300% Melee Damage and knock them back while hitting a wall allows him to stick to it. Hitting an enemy that comes into his path will deal 150% melee Damage. Gun Damage and Accuracy are also increased by 30%.
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds
Skill Trees: Cover Lover, Runner, Chemical Warfare
Cover Lover- A Skill Tree made for making Ryan better at shooting guns and nothing else. #360yynoscope, amirite?
Tier 1:
Lightning Lead: Fire Rate increased 5%-25% and Bullet Speed increased by 3%-15%.
Bigger, Badder, Better: Magazine Capacity increased by 5%-25% and Recoil Rediction increased by 6%-30%.
Tier 2:
Amazing Aiming: Accuracy and Critical Hit Damage increased by 5%-25%.
Rapid Reload: Reload Speed increased by 10%-50%.
Tier 3
Game Changer- Cheating Cheetah: When Phasedrift is activated you gain a 30% Movement Speed boost and a 100% Melee Damage boost when attacking from a wall, as well as a 30% Gun Damage boost when moving away from an enemy.
"I'm a kitteh! Mrawr!"
Ferocious Falcon: Taking Damage has a chance to give you a stack of Ferocity (+8%-40%), up to a maximum of 10. Each stack will increase the damage of your next Critical Hit by 10%, which will use all acquired stacks.
Super SMG: SMG Damage and Magazine Capacity increased by 7%-35%.
Tier 4
Grinning Ghost: Reloading while Phasedrift is active will cause you to become Spectral (each point allows you to be Spectral for 20% of the reload duration, up to a max of 100%). Being Spectral reduces Bullet Damage taken by 33%. Shield Recharge and Health Regeneration are paused for however long you are Spectral and Reload Speed is increased by 4%-20%.
Tier 5
Better than the Best: When facing an enemy of a higher level than you, your Fire Rate and Accuracy increase by 6%-30%. Phasedrift will also decrease Damage taken from higher level enemies by 5%-25%.
Enormous Ego: For each Skill Point invested in this tree (not including Skill Points given from Class Mods, put toward One Point Wonders, or invested in Enormous Ego), your Gun Damage is increased by .25%-1.25%, up to a maximum of 10%-50% Gun Damage.
Tier 6
Capstone- Done and Dusted: After killing an enemy, you receive a bonus based on how they were killed. You receive an extra bonus if it happens twice within 5 seconds. These bonuses will refresh for each kill after the first two. If no enemies are killed within 5 seconds, this skill cannot be activated for 10 seconds.
Gun- Gun Damage and Accuracy increased by 40% for 7 seconds. BONUS- 25% Chance to not consume ammo and increases Fire Rate by 25%.
Melee- Melee Damage and Movement Speed increased by 50% for 7 seconds. BONUS- Phasedrift's Cooldown gets reduced by 2.5 seconds and gives Melee attacks a short dash with a chance to Daze enemies.
Grenade- Grenade Damage increased by 100% for 7 seconds. BONUS- Killing enemies with grenades may give you one for free and increases Grenade Radius by 50%.
"Seems so wrong... Feels so RIGHT!"
Runner- A Skill Tree made to enhance the effectiveness of Phasedrift. If you've stop running, you're not doing it right.
Tier 1
Marathon: Phasedrift Duration increased by 0.6 seconds per point.
Med Student: Slow Health Regeneration when you haven't taken Damage for a few seconds and slight increase in max Health. (0.1%-0.5% Health Regeneration per second and 2%-10% Max Health).
Tier 2
Freeze!: Phasedrift Cooldown decreased by 6% per point.
Can't Bring ME Down: When Phasedrift is in effect, you gain up to 0.4%-2% Health Regeneration per second based on how much you are moving.
Tier 3
Game Changer- On Your Marks!: Meleeing an enemy during Phasedrift will Mark them. Marked enemies who survive through Phasedrift take 15% extra Damage from all sources for 10 seconds.
"So, do we start on 'one' or 'go'?"
Morale Support: Drifting into a downed ally revives them instantly, giving them 6-30% increased Movement Speed and 5%-25% increased Gun Damage for a duration equal to the amount of time left in Phasedrift. This skill will cause Phasedrift to end at its time of activation.
From the Ashes: If you have recently been downed, you will have a 6%-30% chance to instantly revive yourself when you are downed again. This skill will not proc in succesion or when downing yourself.
Tier 4
Game Changer- Scare Tactics: While Phasedrift is active, running towards an unmarked foe who is not aiming at you will cause them to take 100% more Melee Damage. You also gain a 30% Movement Speed bonus while your reticle is facing a marked enemy.
"Fear me, bitches!"
Tier 5
I'm in Space!: Holding the jump button while Phasedrift is active will cause you to float in the air for a limited amount of time, allowing you to jump higher and farther (0.3 seconds for each point). Attacking from the air gives you a 100% Melee Damage boost. You also gain a small Fire Rate boost (3%-15%).
Tier 6
Capstone- Blink: Action Skill Augmentation- Pressing the Action Skill button while Phasedrift is active will Mark all enemies near your reticle. Pressing the Action Skill button on a Marked enemy will cause you to teleport to their location, hitting them for 350% Melee Damage. If there are multiple Marked enemies, pressing the Action Skill button will teleport you to each of them in the order they were Marked.
"It's almost like teleporting, except it totally is!"
Chemical Warfare- A Skill Tree filled with skills that make it easier to burn people's faces off, and look damn good doing it.
Tier 1
Sparkle: Decreases the chances you will be afflicted with Elemental Status Effects by 6%-30%.
Ignorance Is Bliss: A portion of Fire Damage dealt to an enemy will deal damage through their shield (10-50%).
Tier 2
I Will Survive: Bonus Elemental Damage when downed by 8%-40% and Movement Speed increased by 30%.
Sun Bleached: You will regenerate Health during the day (0.3% per level) until you reach 50% Health and receive an increase in Shield Recharge Delay (0.10 seconds per level), but being in the shade or playing at night halts Regeneration and provides a bonus to Shield Recharge Rate (12% per level) and a decrease to Shield Recharge Delay (0.15 seconds per level). Shield Recharge Delay will not be affected past 1.25 seconds minimum.
Tier 3
Game Changer- Solar Flare: Upon activating Phasedrift, the first enemy you melee is charged with fiery energy. If they are killed within 10 seconds, they release a Fire-elemental explosion, dealing a large amount of Fire Damage to nearby enemies.
"Cooked to perfection!"
Happy Accident: Losing all of your health releases 1-5 orbs which will home in on nearby allies, each healing up to 15% of their Health. You also slowly heal 10%-50% of any self-taken Health you lose. This skill will not proc if you down yourself or are downed in a duel.
... And Caring is Love: When you are hit with an Elemental Status (such as being lit on Fire, not taking Fire Damage), there is a chance you will release a nova of the same element (12%-60%). Nova Damage is based on the player's level and is generally lower than most Maliwan or Torgue Nova Shields of the same level.
Tier 4
Symbiosis: Shooting an ally with an element will boost the Damage they deal of the element you shot them with by 7%-35% for 10 seconds. (example) Shooting a friend with Fire will boost the Fire Damage they deal. You also gain 1% of the Damage dealt with said element by your ally.
Tier 5
Bad Touch!: There is a chance you will Slag enemies with your melee attacks for 5 seconds (6%-30%). You also receive a 30% Movement Speed boost while slagged.
Tier 6
Elemental Exploitation: During Phasedrift, enemies affected by an Elemental Status will obtain exclamation marks over their heads. These enemies will take extra damage of the same element if you melee them, and will pass on the same Elemental Status to nearby enemies if they are killed. Marking an enemy will extend the Elemental Status' duration by 3 seconds.
"I've always wanted to boop people so hard they explode! Boop! Boop! Boopboopboop!"
Class Mods:
Collector: +Team Gun Damage
Doctor: +Team Health Regen and +Elemental Effect Resistance
Apocalypse: +Elemental Damage and +Elemental Effect Chance
Sprinter: +Cooldown Reduction and + Melee Damage
"Where do the Skill Tree names come from?"
'Cover Lover' comes from the term 'Cover-Based Shooter', which generally has a lot to do with guns.
'Sprinter' comes from the idea that it's a tree built for constantly using Phasedrift.
'Chemical Warfare' comes from the large number of elemental-based skills in the tree.
"Hold on- some of these trees seem a little overpowered!"
Glad you noticed! Yes, some of the skills seem to be OP, which is why I'd like some input! If you notice something that seems kind of overpowered or unfair, tell me in the thread; if you could also suggest how to nerf it, that would be nice, too!
Here's a description:
Ryan the Siren
Action Skill: Phasedrift
Action Skill description: Ryan forms a mystic blue/purple orb in his palm and crushes it, releasing the energy trapped inside. The energy spreads to his hands and feet, allowing him to Drift. Drifting allows him to, with the press of the melee button, quickly shoot himself towards the location of the reticle. Hitting an enemy will deal 300% Melee Damage and knock them back while hitting a wall allows him to stick to it. Hitting an enemy that comes into his path will deal 150% melee Damage. Gun Damage and Accuracy are also increased by 30%.
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds
Skill Trees: Cover Lover, Runner, Chemical Warfare
Cover Lover- A Skill Tree made for making Ryan better at shooting guns and nothing else. #360yynoscope, amirite?
Tier 1:
Lightning Lead: Fire Rate increased 5%-25% and Bullet Speed increased by 3%-15%.
Bigger, Badder, Better: Magazine Capacity increased by 5%-25% and Recoil Rediction increased by 6%-30%.
Tier 2:
Amazing Aiming: Accuracy and Critical Hit Damage increased by 5%-25%.
Rapid Reload: Reload Speed increased by 10%-50%.
Tier 3
Game Changer- Cheating Cheetah: When Phasedrift is activated you gain a 30% Movement Speed boost and a 100% Melee Damage boost when attacking from a wall, as well as a 30% Gun Damage boost when moving away from an enemy.
"I'm a kitteh! Mrawr!"
Ferocious Falcon: Taking Damage has a chance to give you a stack of Ferocity (+8%-40%), up to a maximum of 10. Each stack will increase the damage of your next Critical Hit by 10%, which will use all acquired stacks.
Super SMG: SMG Damage and Magazine Capacity increased by 7%-35%.
Tier 4
Grinning Ghost: Reloading while Phasedrift is active will cause you to become Spectral (each point allows you to be Spectral for 20% of the reload duration, up to a max of 100%). Being Spectral reduces Bullet Damage taken by 33%. Shield Recharge and Health Regeneration are paused for however long you are Spectral and Reload Speed is increased by 4%-20%.
Tier 5
Better than the Best: When facing an enemy of a higher level than you, your Fire Rate and Accuracy increase by 6%-30%. Phasedrift will also decrease Damage taken from higher level enemies by 5%-25%.
Enormous Ego: For each Skill Point invested in this tree (not including Skill Points given from Class Mods, put toward One Point Wonders, or invested in Enormous Ego), your Gun Damage is increased by .25%-1.25%, up to a maximum of 10%-50% Gun Damage.
Tier 6
Capstone- Done and Dusted: After killing an enemy, you receive a bonus based on how they were killed. You receive an extra bonus if it happens twice within 5 seconds. These bonuses will refresh for each kill after the first two. If no enemies are killed within 5 seconds, this skill cannot be activated for 10 seconds.
Gun- Gun Damage and Accuracy increased by 40% for 7 seconds. BONUS- 25% Chance to not consume ammo and increases Fire Rate by 25%.
Melee- Melee Damage and Movement Speed increased by 50% for 7 seconds. BONUS- Phasedrift's Cooldown gets reduced by 2.5 seconds and gives Melee attacks a short dash with a chance to Daze enemies.
Grenade- Grenade Damage increased by 100% for 7 seconds. BONUS- Killing enemies with grenades may give you one for free and increases Grenade Radius by 50%.
"Seems so wrong... Feels so RIGHT!"
Runner- A Skill Tree made to enhance the effectiveness of Phasedrift. If you've stop running, you're not doing it right.
Tier 1
Marathon: Phasedrift Duration increased by 0.6 seconds per point.
Med Student: Slow Health Regeneration when you haven't taken Damage for a few seconds and slight increase in max Health. (0.1%-0.5% Health Regeneration per second and 2%-10% Max Health).
Tier 2
Freeze!: Phasedrift Cooldown decreased by 6% per point.
Can't Bring ME Down: When Phasedrift is in effect, you gain up to 0.4%-2% Health Regeneration per second based on how much you are moving.
Tier 3
Game Changer- On Your Marks!: Meleeing an enemy during Phasedrift will Mark them. Marked enemies who survive through Phasedrift take 15% extra Damage from all sources for 10 seconds.
"So, do we start on 'one' or 'go'?"
Morale Support: Drifting into a downed ally revives them instantly, giving them 6-30% increased Movement Speed and 5%-25% increased Gun Damage for a duration equal to the amount of time left in Phasedrift. This skill will cause Phasedrift to end at its time of activation.
From the Ashes: If you have recently been downed, you will have a 6%-30% chance to instantly revive yourself when you are downed again. This skill will not proc in succesion or when downing yourself.
Tier 4
Game Changer- Scare Tactics: While Phasedrift is active, running towards an unmarked foe who is not aiming at you will cause them to take 100% more Melee Damage. You also gain a 30% Movement Speed bonus while your reticle is facing a marked enemy.
"Fear me, bitches!"
Tier 5
I'm in Space!: Holding the jump button while Phasedrift is active will cause you to float in the air for a limited amount of time, allowing you to jump higher and farther (0.3 seconds for each point). Attacking from the air gives you a 100% Melee Damage boost. You also gain a small Fire Rate boost (3%-15%).
Tier 6
Capstone- Blink: Action Skill Augmentation- Pressing the Action Skill button while Phasedrift is active will Mark all enemies near your reticle. Pressing the Action Skill button on a Marked enemy will cause you to teleport to their location, hitting them for 350% Melee Damage. If there are multiple Marked enemies, pressing the Action Skill button will teleport you to each of them in the order they were Marked.
"It's almost like teleporting, except it totally is!"
Chemical Warfare- A Skill Tree filled with skills that make it easier to burn people's faces off, and look damn good doing it.
Tier 1
Sparkle: Decreases the chances you will be afflicted with Elemental Status Effects by 6%-30%.
Ignorance Is Bliss: A portion of Fire Damage dealt to an enemy will deal damage through their shield (10-50%).
Tier 2
I Will Survive: Bonus Elemental Damage when downed by 8%-40% and Movement Speed increased by 30%.
Sun Bleached: You will regenerate Health during the day (0.3% per level) until you reach 50% Health and receive an increase in Shield Recharge Delay (0.10 seconds per level), but being in the shade or playing at night halts Regeneration and provides a bonus to Shield Recharge Rate (12% per level) and a decrease to Shield Recharge Delay (0.15 seconds per level). Shield Recharge Delay will not be affected past 1.25 seconds minimum.
Tier 3
Game Changer- Solar Flare: Upon activating Phasedrift, the first enemy you melee is charged with fiery energy. If they are killed within 10 seconds, they release a Fire-elemental explosion, dealing a large amount of Fire Damage to nearby enemies.
"Cooked to perfection!"
Happy Accident: Losing all of your health releases 1-5 orbs which will home in on nearby allies, each healing up to 15% of their Health. You also slowly heal 10%-50% of any self-taken Health you lose. This skill will not proc if you down yourself or are downed in a duel.
... And Caring is Love: When you are hit with an Elemental Status (such as being lit on Fire, not taking Fire Damage), there is a chance you will release a nova of the same element (12%-60%). Nova Damage is based on the player's level and is generally lower than most Maliwan or Torgue Nova Shields of the same level.
Tier 4
Symbiosis: Shooting an ally with an element will boost the Damage they deal of the element you shot them with by 7%-35% for 10 seconds. (example) Shooting a friend with Fire will boost the Fire Damage they deal. You also gain 1% of the Damage dealt with said element by your ally.
Tier 5
Bad Touch!: There is a chance you will Slag enemies with your melee attacks for 5 seconds (6%-30%). You also receive a 30% Movement Speed boost while slagged.
Tier 6
Elemental Exploitation: During Phasedrift, enemies affected by an Elemental Status will obtain exclamation marks over their heads. These enemies will take extra damage of the same element if you melee them, and will pass on the same Elemental Status to nearby enemies if they are killed. Marking an enemy will extend the Elemental Status' duration by 3 seconds.
"I've always wanted to boop people so hard they explode! Boop! Boop! Boopboopboop!"
Class Mods:
Collector: +Team Gun Damage
Doctor: +Team Health Regen and +Elemental Effect Resistance
Apocalypse: +Elemental Damage and +Elemental Effect Chance
Sprinter: +Cooldown Reduction and + Melee Damage
"Where do the Skill Tree names come from?"
'Cover Lover' comes from the term 'Cover-Based Shooter', which generally has a lot to do with guns.
'Sprinter' comes from the idea that it's a tree built for constantly using Phasedrift.
'Chemical Warfare' comes from the large number of elemental-based skills in the tree.
"Hold on- some of these trees seem a little overpowered!"
Glad you noticed! Yes, some of the skills seem to be OP, which is why I'd like some input! If you notice something that seems kind of overpowered or unfair, tell me in the thread; if you could also suggest how to nerf it, that would be nice, too!